- Python 3.8 or above
- streamlit 1.12.0 or above
- numpy 1.23.1 or above
- (optional) pyngrok 5.1.0 or above
- 2022/8/12 BDO Simulator succeeded rate case version 1 released
- 2022/8/16 BDO Simulator succeeded rate case version 2 released
- 2022/8/16 BDO Simulator failed rate case version 1 released
- 2022/10/5 BDO Simulater can run on the internet as well as localhost server
Download repository
$ cd ~/
$ git clone https://github.com/weikunhan/yahoo-finance-collector.git
Create Python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv ~/robinhood_reports_convertor/venv
Active Python virual environment
$ source ~/robinhood_reports_convertor/venv/bin/activate
Install base Python packages
$ pip install streamlit
$ pip install numpy
(Optional) If you publish BDO Simulator (put localhost server on the internet), you need to install additional Python packages
$ pip install pyngrok
(Optional) Now that the ngrok agent is installed, let's connect it to your ngrok Account. If you haven't already, sign up (or log in) to the ngrok Dashboard and get your Authtoken. The ngrok agent uses the authtoken (sometimes called tunnel credential) to log into your account when you start a tunnel.
$ mkdir ~/bdo-simulator-application/config
$ cat <<'EOF' > ~/bdo-simulator-application/config/ngrok_config.json
"authtoken": "${your_token}"
your_token - ngrok personal Authtoken, for example, aaaawvm1S7DhJeFSqyhmrGszLfR_72NcMpKWQ28YY8Xmsaaaa
Run BDO Simulator with Streamlit on localhost server
$ streamlit run bdo_simulator_app.py
You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.
Network URL:
External URL:
(Optional) Run BDO Simulator with Streamlit on the internet by ngrok
$ python run_bdo_simulator_app_internet.py
You can now view your Streamlit app on internat in your browser.
NgrokTunnel: "https://e9c8-73-193-118-28.ngrok.io" -> "http://localhost:8501"
Now, copy https://e9c8-73-193-118-28.ngrok.io into your web browser
Don't close the localhost server terminal when running ngrook
Run unit testing after development
$ python -m unittest discover tests
(Optional) Install static code analyser Python packages
$ pip install pylint
Suggest veriable naming roles xxx_count - the numbers data type in Python, which is the integer number used for counting xxx_list - the list data type in Python xxx_tuple - the tuple data type in Python xxx_dict - the dictionary data type in Python "xxx" - the single word without underscore means that is user defined or imported object" "xxx_xxx" - the multiple words with underscore means that instanced object method or veriable, which required more meaningful naming" "xxx_xxx" - the multiple words with underscore also means that number data type or sting data type in Python, which required more meaningful naming"