
📸 Take a webcam photo and tweet it every hour

Primary LanguageSwift

📸 Hourly Image macos App

macOS App which takes photo from the Webcaml, saves it to ~/Pictures/Webcam and also tweets it with the current location and Wifi-name.


  • macOS >= 12.0


Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/weiland/HourlyImage
$ cd HourlyImage

Create a Twitter OAuth App at https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps.

Create a .twitterCred.json at ~/Pictures/Webcam/ and fill it with a Twitter OAuth App credentials.

An example file can be found at ./.twitterCred.json.example. You can move and edit the file: mv ./.twitterCred.json.example ~/Pictures/Webcam/.twitterCred.json

You can set some settings in the Config.swift.

Build via XcodeBuild (cli):

$ xcodebuild archive

Alternatively, the App can be built in Xcode. The Signing Team might be adjusted.


After a successful build the App will be available at ./build/Release/HourlyImage.app

Run app via (and grant access to Camera and Location)

$ open ./build/Release/HourlyImage.app

You can also install a cronjob which runs on every hour (crontab -e) like following:

0 * * * * open ~/src/github.com/weiland/HourlyImage/build/Release/HourlyImage.app >> /tmp/cron.log 2>&1


I like to keep track of what I'm doing and where I am. And it's just a habit I'm doing since I got a device with a webcam.
