
💻 Mac Setup

Primary LanguageShell

Mac Setup

Eventually publishing mac-setup and dotfiles

New Mac

Starting with a brand new macOS:

  1. Make sure to be connected to a wifi network (or LAN)
  2. Configure TouchID when setting up
  3. Login to iCloud (but may skip photos) and activate Documents Sync
  4. Open Terminal.app

Bootstrap a new machine

This will do the very first steps for a new machine. The sudo password will be required. The command line tools, homebrew and fish shell will be installed.

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weiland/mac-setup/main/install | sh


Install all software, casks, fonts and mac app store apps.

# checkout Brewfile
vim Brewfile

# brewing
brew bundle

Install nix

for macOS as multi-user

sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume --daemon

or with fish:

sh ( curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | psub ) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume --daemon

Install nix-darwin

nix-build https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz -A installer

mv /etc/nix/nix.conf /etc/nix/nix.conf.before-nix-darwin


Install home-manager within nix-darwin

nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager
nix-channel --update

Add home-manager to ~/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix

imports = [ <home-manager/nix-darwin> ];

Install dotfiles

sh dotfiles.sh

MacOS defauls

Compare with it's original and review the settings in there. History of .macos (last checked/updated 22. June 2021)

sh macos.sh

Manual settings

Since macos.sh cannot catch everything...

# Adjust Notification Center
#defaults read com.apple.notificationcenterui

# Set the right resolution (Default 1440x877 on MBP 13")
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences "NSWindow Frame Main Window Frame SystemPreferencesApp 8.0" -string "105 339 668 462 0 0 1440 877 "
# and for the display
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences "NSWindow Frame Main Window Frame SystemPreferencesApp 8.0" -string "256 121 668 658 0 0 2560 1415"

karabiner (umlauts)

  • enable umlauts via karabiner elements


  • import config file
  • make alt key working


mkdir ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

nvim +PlugInstall +qa

# spell checking
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/spell
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/undo


defaults write net.sf.Jumpcut launchOnStartup -bool true
defaults write net.sf.Jumpcut launchOnLogin -bool true
# does not work yet (set cmd+B as hotkey)
defaults write net.sf.Jumpcut mainHotkey -dict characters b charactersIgnoringModifiers b keyCode 11 modifierFlags 1048576


defaults write org.shiftitapp.ShiftIt shiftItshowMenu -bool false

Volta (nodejs, npm and git-open)

mkdir ~/.local/share/volta

Export volta's new home globally and append volta's bin to global fish user path in config.fish:

set -gx VOLTA_HOME ~/.local/share/volta
fish_add_path -ga $VOLTA_HOME/bin
brew install volta

Other stuff

  1. Disable TouchBar as default
  2. Remove Siri from TouchBar (replace with Do-Not-Disturb)
  3. Map fn to show F keys
  4. (Re-map Capslock) Map paragraph/plus-minus to ESC


  • Login and import my Vault

BetterTouchTool / Karabiner

  • import config (mostly for umlauts and mapping ESC)


  • Allow all access
  • Login to iCloud with App password
  • Disable Calendar Notifications
  • Add Exchange accounts with public folders


  • show paths
  • remove labels
  • add home
  • add sidebar items


  • Open Safari and login to GitHub and Instapaper


  • login to private and work accounts

Things 3

  • Login


  • Login


  • login to all accounts


  • Enable encrypted backups
  • Add excluded items

Import previous configs etc

  1. fish history
  2. rupa-z/zoxide history (if nothing big has been changed)
  3. TimeMachine Exclude list

Import files from mounted volumes (e.g. old TM Backups etc)

rsync -av '/Volumes/Backup/data' ~/whereever

Kepp the Mac up to date

sh update.sh

Coming from an installed mac => new installtion

  • Make sure TimeMachine backup did work properly
  • Restart and press Commmand + Shift + R
  • Use Recovery Disk to download and install new Mac OS
  • On first boot: Hold Command + Option + P + R to clear NVRAM