• The program should prompt the user for the number of questions to put in the quiz. Any integer value greater than 0 is acceptable.
  • The expected output is to display a list of question_ids
  • Use each strand as close as possible to an equal number of times. (e.g. There are two strands, so if the user asks for a 3 question quiz, it's okay to choose one strand twice and the other once.)
  • Use each standard as close as possible to an equal number of times.
  • Duplicating questions in the quiz is OKAY!
  • Not completing the basic requirements IS NOT FAILURE. We'd rather see a beautiful attempt than a complete attempt.
  • Please use git to track progress. E.g. progressively commit changes so we can track your thought process.

Bonus Requirements

Choose any or all of the following, time permitting:

  • Order the questions in the quiz from easiest to hardest
  • Prefer questions that students have not answered.
  • Prefer questions that students have not been assigned.
  • Group the questions by standard, and then order the questions within each standard by difficulty (easiest to hardest)