This plugin provides the convenience to run LSP related commands with capability checks to the language server and allow to fall back to alternative "old school" solutions.
Install the plugin with your favorite manager tool. Here is an example using dein.vim:
call dein#add('weilbith/nvim-lsp-backomp', {'on_cmd': 'LspBacomp'})
It is recommended to use the nvim-lsp plugin to attach language client to your buffers.
The following are examples by using the :LspBacomp
command directly. Checkout
the docs for further functionality and more details. There are a bunch of
functions to simplify your own Lua scripts.
Establish an auto-command to leverage LSP document highlighting if available:
autocmd! CursorHold * silent! LspBacomp documentHighlightProvider
\ lua\ vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
autocmd CursorMoved * lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
Define a mapping to jump to the definition of the word under the cursor. Either by the language server if possible, else fall back to the tag file.
nnoremap gd <cmd>LspBacomp definitionProvider lua\ vim.lsp.buf.definition()
\ execute\ 'tjump\ '.expand('<cword>')<CR>
Please mind that NeoVim is not fully consistent at the current state. This
means that some methods for language servers are exposed via the lsp-buf
but are not covered by the server compatibilities. Thereby this plugin can't
check for them. Such are for example the declarationProvider
. It is planned to
open a PR to add them. The lsp_provider_names.lua
module includes a list of all missing
providers according to the official LSP specification.