
A simple application for contour generation on Mesh, based on pyglet

Primary LanguagePython


Project Description

  • A simple interactive application to allow user to choose arbitrary points on a mesh model with mouse
  • Aims to generate contour of defected area of skull mesh



  • run python view.py with your .obj files in /obj folder and /obj should be at the same folder as all the .py files

  • In the application window, use F1 (view) and F2 (draw) to switch view mode and draw mode

  • In view mode:

    1. mouse scroll for zoom in and out

    2. mouse left for camera translation

    3. mouse right for camera rotation

  • In draw mode:

    mouse press to choose arbitrary points on mesh model (if intersection exists between mesh model surface and ray emitted from your mouse position ), currently with functions to find connecting points and find cutting vectors

File Description

  • obj_model.py:

    load OBJ file and generate model object with vertices, normals, surfaces, texture coordinates information

  • camera.py:

    camera setting for application window

  • triangle.py:

    triangle class, used for ray-plane intersection

  • intersection_info.py

    IntersectionInfo class, used to store information of intersection

  • ray.py:

    do ray casting to find intersection bewteen mesh surface and ray emitted from mouse position

  • viewer.py:

    application window