
MERN Stack eCommerce Web Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ProShop MERN Stack

An E-Commerce platform built from the ground up with React, Redux, Express & MongoDB


  • Full featured shopping cart

  • Product reviews and ratings

  • Top products carousel

  • Product pagination

  • Product search feature

  • User profile with orders

  • Admin product management

  • Admin user management

  • Admin Order details page

  • Mark orders as delivered option

  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)

  • PayPal / credit card integration

  • Custom database seeder script

Tech Stacks used/learned throughout building this project

  • React with Functional Components & Hooks

  • React router

  • React-Bootstrap UI library

  • Component level state & props

  • Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)

  • Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)

  • Creating an extensive back end with Express

  • Working with a MongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM

  • JWT authentication (JSON web tokens)

  • Creating custom authentication middleware

  • Custom error handler

  • Integrating the PayPal API

  • Environment variables

  • Project deployment

Run locally:

Install dependencies

npm install

cd frontend && npm install

Create .env file

Under the project root directory, create a `.env` file and include the following vars:

NODE_ENV = ...
PORT = ...

Start the application (both Express server and React frontend):

npm run dev

To load the sample data into or clear all data from the Mongo database with the seeder script

npm run data:import

npm run data:destroy

Dev Tools (Optional)

To enable hot reload

nodemon npm module

To start up Frontend + Backend concurrently

concurrently npm module

To customize console logging style

colors npm module


morgan npm module to log client requests on the server console

Redux Dev Tools

redux-devtools-extension npm module + Google Chrome Redux DevTools extension

Environment Variables Config

dotenv npm module

  • Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env

React Frontend


Bootswatch - LUX with react-bootstrap npm module


font-awesome CDN from cdnjs.com

Titles & Meta

react-helmet: A document head manager for React

SPA Routes

react-router-dom + react-router-bootstrap: Integration between React Router v4 and React Bootstrap.

State Management

React Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.) for component-level state management

Redux Pattern for global-level state management with redux, react-redux and redux-thunk npm modules

Handle Payment

react-paypal-button-v2 npm module for handling PayPal payments

NodeJS Backend

ES Module

  • To use ES Module instead of CommonJS Module:
    Add “type”: “module” to the package.json for your project, and Node.js will treat all .js files in your project as ES modules.

File Upload

Multer npm module for hanlding file uploading



MongoDB Atlas + mongoose npm module


JSON Web Token

jsonwebtoken npm module: An implementation of JSON Web Tokens
bcryptjs npm module: Optimized bcrypt in JavaScript



Heroku Login & Create app

heroku login

heroku create APP_NAME

Create Procfile

web: node backend/server.js

Set up heroku-postbuild command

    "heroku-postbuild": "NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false npm install --prefix frontend && npm run build --prefix frontend"

Set up heroku remote git repo

heroku git:remote -a APP_NAME

git push heroku master

Add env variables in heroku settings

  • To match with values inside .env file

Live App