
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Seat Reservation - Event Ticket Demo

This is a demo application about a seat registration. The objective of this demo is demonstrate how AMQ Streams (Kafka) could be used as an event stream.

Technologies used

  • AMQ Streams (Kafka)

  • Fuse (Camel)

  • NodeJS with Patternfly for UIs

Seat Reservation Architecture
Seat Reservation Architecture

If some problem occur with the event-reader (cached data), you could just restart the topic offset.

Seat Reservation Architecture
Seat Reservation Architecture

Demo setup

Just use the setup script with your Openshift HOST url.

sh support/setup.sh apps.ramalho.openshiftworkshop.com

Useful informations

Restart the offset

oc rsh kafka-0
./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --group analyticgrouop --reset-offsets --to-earliest --all-topics --execute