free software under GPL (based on fsusb_demo for HIDs attached to the Microchip PICDEM FS USB Demo board)
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
requires libusb tested under Fedora 10 (64 bit on an AMD X2) Ubuntu 8.04 (64 bit on an IntelCore2 Duo) Ubuntu 9.04 (64 bit on an IntelCore2 Duo) under operation @ Innsbruck observatory under Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit on an AMD Athlon 1.3GHz) but it us rather strictly ANSI C and thus should work with alls distributions providing libusb.
S. Kimeswenger, University Innsbruck, Austria Institute of Astro- and Particle Physics
version 4.1 changes: - as the USB devices are running offline from time to time a recovery was implemented dealing even with a complete internal reset (occurs only when trying to read the temperature) - all "non data" lines start with the character # (for easier filtering with plot programs) - USB errors / resets are indicated in the output file
Installation of additional library: libusb Fedora:
yum install libusb
Ubuntu & Debian:
apt-get install libusb
change to destination directory e.g.:
cd /usr/local
unpack source and compile it
cd LightmeterLinux
change to user root or do setup with sudo: Fedora:
su root
make setup
Ubuntu & Debian:
sudo make setup
lightmeter_usb [sampling]
the (optional) parameter sets the intervals between readouts in seconds (default = 1 second)
The program writes to the terminal/screen stdout With e.g.
lightmeter_usb 5 > Light_`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M`.dat &
it will write every 5 seconds to a file with the starting date in the name: Light_YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm.dat
I have a cron jobs setup to rotate the logfiles every 24 hours (@ noon) and send those files to my web server. For the automated copy to the web server the accounts have to be connected with an ssh key (see "man ssh-keygen" for details)
A) I am using script "start_lightmeter" to start it after reboot and the command line /home/stefan/start_lightmeter in the file /etc/rc.local (Ubuntu and Debian) or /etc/rc5.d/S99local (Fedora)
cd /home/stefan
if (-e /home/stefan/data.txt) gzip /home/stefan/data.txt
if (-e /home/stefan/data.txt.gz) \
scp -q data.txt.gz \`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M`dat.gz
rm -f data.txt.gz
nohup /home/stefan/lightmeter_usb > /home/stefan/data.txt &
B) The crontab file has an entry:
# exchange the measurement always at noon
# m h dom mon dow user command
00 12 * * * /home/stefan/rotate_log
and a script "rotate_log" for rotation of the logfiles (here Ubuntu / Debian version - fedora user have to run / add it to the system-wide crontab and may remove the section: echo 'MY_USER_PASSWORD' | sudo -S kill
cd /home/stefan
# stop the current measurement
(echo 'MY_USER_PASSWORD' | sudo -S kill -HUP `pgrep lightmeter_usb` >& /dev/null) > /dev/null
sleep 1
if (-e /home/stefan/data.txt) gzip /home/stefan/data.txt
if (-e /home/stefan/data.txt.gz) \
scp -q data.txt.gz \`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M`dat.gz
rm -f data.txt.gz
# start a new one
nohup /home/stefan/lightmeter_usb > /home/stefan/data.txt &