Dr. Mary’s Monkey

The case for the Viral Theory of Cancer

A review of Resear ch & Literature from 1901- 1955

  • 1901: Parasitic Theories of Cancer
  • 1911: Transmission of Malignancy thru Cell-free Filtrate
  • 1930: Metabolism of Trumors
  • 1940: Breast Cancer in Mice Influenced by nursing
  • 1944: Electron Microscopy stuy of Chicken Tumor Cells
  • 1948: Microscope Findings in Malignant Tissue
  • 1949: Virus-like bodies in Human Breast Cancer
  • 1949: Induction of breast cancer .. in .. mice
  • 1950 Virus as Cause of Human & Animal Malignancy
  • 1951 Virus as the Cause of Cancer
  • 1953 Is Leukemia Caused by a Transmissible virus?
  • 1955 Pathogenesis of Cancer

1942 to 1943

  • 1942: Antibiotics are released
  • 1943: The Onset of Polio epidemic

They had to either restrict the antibiotics or develop a vaccine

Who involved with the Polio Vacine

  • Dr. Salk: Developer of the first injectable polio vaccine
  • Bernice Eddy, M.D.: Safety tester of the vaccine
  • Sarah Steward, M.D.: Discovers of a cancer causing virus along with Bernice Eddy
  • Dr. Sabin: Developer of the oral polio vaccine

Year of 1955

  • 1955: Salk polio vaccine was released to the world
  • An injected dose of inactivated(dead) poliovirus
  • Dr. Salk’s strains would be inactivated with formaldehyde and injected into children
  • 1955: Bernice Eddy found the virus in vaccine wasn’t dead but still alive & able to breed.
    • when she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed in their cages
    • She tried to delay the release of the vaccine
  • A handful of prominent doctors stepped in to throw the weight of their reputations on the side of the vaccine. Dr. Alton Ochsner was a stockholder in one of the laboratories that produced the polio vaccine.
    • Decided to publicly inoculated his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of the faculty of Tulane Medical School
    • Ochsner’s grandson died of polio within 48 hours and his granddaughter was crippled with it.
  • The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days of children fell sick from polio, some crippled, and some died.
    • The biggest fiasco in the medical history.
    • An enormous lawsuit erupted
    • The director of the NIH(Dr. William Sebrell) resigned
    • The Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare(Oveta Hobby) stepped down
  • Richard Nixon was given the task of rebuilding the National Institute of Health(NIH), after the disastrous introduction of Salk’s polio vaccine.

Year of 1956

  • Bernice Eddy was taken off polio research and transferred to the influenza section. Here is where shere meets bacteriologist, Sarah Stewart, M.D.
  • Stewart proved that some cancers were caused by virus as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.

Year of 1957

  • They discovered the virus “polyoma”
  • Sarah Stewart and Bernice Eddy discovered this virus which caused multiple cancer tumors in a variety of small mammals. It was the first time one virus caused cancer in several different species.


  • The vaccine manufactures had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys. And when they removed the piolio virus, they removed an unknow number of other monkey viruses.
  • The more they looked, the more they found. Medical Science knew little about the behavior or consequences of these monkey viruses.
  • Sarah took suspensions of the cellular material from these kidney cell cultures and injected them into hamsters. Cancers grew in the hamsters.
    • This was the watershed event in cancer research and it shifted the focus of cancer research to viruses.
  • Bernice Eddy confronted with the overwhelming evidence and came to the conclusion: They had just inoculated an entire generation with cancer-causing monkey viruses and she predicted a future epidemic of cancer.
  • The U.S. Government knew it had a problem
  • Soon the research identified an Asian monkey as the natural host of the cancer-causing Polyoma virus and gave the virus a LESS HYSTERICAL NAME: SV-40 (because they found 39 virus before this one)


  • One of the major news events: Castro’s revolution in Cuba
  • It threatened to spread to all Latin America and to displace the near-free labor economic system with American business had profited upon for decades.
  • Trade was New Orleans’ biggest business, and seventy-five percent of it was with Latin America. The entire New Orleans business community was threatened by this revolutionary trend.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
    • The Soviet Union was using Cuba as base for their missiles from which they would be able to launch a nuclear attach almost anywhere in the Southeastern part of the United States, especially New Orleans.


  • Maurice Hilleman, vaccine developer(40 vaccines). Named SV40
  • Laurella McClelland, works for Marice Hilleman.
  • Laurella found similar problems with the polio vaccine as Eddy
  • Doctor Benjamin Sweet and Maurice Hilleman publiced their findings: “The discovery of this new virus, the vaculolating agent, represents the detection for first time of hitherto “non-detectable” simian virus of monkey renal cultures and raises the important question of the existence of other such viruses…As shown in this report, all 3 types of Sabin’s live poliovirus vaccine, now fed to millions of persons of all ages, were contaminated with SV-40.”
  • Front page of Journal of the National cancer Institute, 1997 “In the 1950’s, SV-40 was one of several dozen viruses that contaminated the original Salk and Sabin polio vaccines administered to children in the US and Europe”
  • “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine,” John Martin, former FDA virologist.
  • SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors, including brain, bone and previously rare chest cancers.
  • USA today, March 11, 2002: Monkey Virus Linked to Lymphatic Cancer
  • The Lancet,: “Traces of a monkey virus (SV-40) contaminated polio vaccines given to millions of americans between 1955 and 1963 have been found in 43% of tumors from pationts with non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma, The Lancet
    • This research was done at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas
    • At Baylor College of Medcine in Houston, researchers achieved nearly identical results in a separate study.
  • October 1960, one month after Kennedy/Nixon presidential debate
    • Bernice Eddy gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society and, without warning the NIH in advance, announced that she had examined monkey kidney cells in which the polio virus had grown, and found they were infected with cancer-causing viruses, SV-40.

      There were cancer causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine!

    • This was tantamount to forecasting an epidemic of cancer in America. NO suggestion of cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine was welcomed at NIH.
    • When the cussing stopped, they crushed Bernice Eddy professionally. They took away her lab, destroyed her animals, put her under a gag order, and delayed publication of her scientific papers.

1960: the team is established

  • Alton Ochsner: Overseer of the project
    • 1927 Appointed head of surgery at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans
    • 1936 Became one of the first to conclude cigarette smoking as a cause of lung cancer
    • 1942 Opens Ochsner Clinic and Foundation Hospital in New Orleans
    • 1949 Became President of the American Cancer Society
    • Anti-Communist
    • 1959 FBI cleared him for a “Sensitive Position” for U.S. Government
    • The FBI maintained a file on Dr. Alton Ochsner which we now have access to through the Freedom of Information Act. It shows his long relationship with the U.S. military, the FBI and other U.S. government agencies.
  • Sarah Stewart: Scientific Director.
    • The most famous cancer researcher at the National Cancer Institute
    • Was suddenly transferred to US Public Health Service in N.O.
    • Left the NIH and transferred to the U.S. Public Health Service in New Orleans.. Believing an anti-cancer vaccine was possible
  • Mary Sherman: Operational Director of the Project: Ran the big lab
    • Radiation Specialist for medical use
    • 1952, she became a Professor at Tulane Medical School and work for Alton Oshsner, M.D. at Oshsner Clinic where whe ran the bone cancer lab.
  • Trying to create a vaccine to stop cancer
    • How does one develop a vaccine? kill it or weaken it. The larger the virus, the easier it is to kill. They can be posoned with chemicals like formaldehyde.

      The common flue vaccine is a virus grown on the yokes of chicken eggs and then poisoned with formaldehyde.

      Killing smaller viruses, like SV40, is best done with radiation.

1960 - 1964 The “Big” Laboratory

  • Ran by Dr. Mary Sherman
  • Located in the infectious Disease Laboratory of the U.S Public Health Service Hospital and was operated by the U.S. Military, owned by the Federal Government.
  • It was a full-blown U.S. government laboratory financed with millions of dollars from the public treasury.
  • Here is where the 5,000,000 volt linear particle accelerator was placed.
  • One of 159 covert research center which the CIA has admitted to setting up.


  • Federal regulations went into effect in the U.S. (and similar regulations in other parts of the world) that required that polio vaccines be free of SV40
  • The new regulations in the U.S. DID NOT REQUIRE:
    1. The SV40 contaminated seeds used to make every “batch” or “lot” of vaccine be discarded.
    2. The recently manufactured contaminated vaccines be discarded
    3. Contaminated vaccines with SV40 were administered to children and adults until they were used up… some time in 1963.
  • Harold Urey (Directed studies of the Manhattan Project) and Dr. Oshsner went to visit Judyth in Florida to take a look at her lab.
    • Ochsner promised Judyth early -admission to Tulane Medical Shcool in return for her services in Dr. Mary Sherman’s cancer lab at Ochsner Clinic.
    • Ochsner also provided her with Cancer research papers on the state-of-the-art techniques such as cancer-causing viruses. =


  • Sabin oral Polio vaccine is introduced
  • This vaccine used live weakened virus
  • Nixon instructed the CIA to take millions of dollars to pay for the linear particle accelerator
    • The monkey viruses were radiated by a linear particular accelerator to alter the genetic components int he virus.
    • Then be inject into mice to study the developing tumors.
    • Smallest viruses like HIV are so small that they are even hard to kill with ionizing radiation. What happen when you don’t kill it?
      • After mangling and scrambling the sequence, you now have a mutant if it is still capable of breeding.
      • A NEW VIRUS.
      • One that behaves differently than the one mangled.
      • It may be less or more virulent.

1963: Bio Weapon Team

  • Mary Sherman: Operational Director of the Project: Ran the big lab
  • Judyth Vary Baker: Develop the Bio-weapon
    • 19 years old in a tiny lab
    • Start science student in a Florida high school who wanted to find a cure for cancer because her grandmother had just passed away from it.
    • she wa able to give mice lung cancer in 7 days(faster than anyone in history). She rediated them then exposed them to cigarette smoke to weaken their immune system.
    • 1961-1963
      • Dr. Ochsner sends her to attend a cancer research training program at the Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York
  • Lee Harvey Oswald: Judyth’s Bodyguard and “runner” of the product(Transport the product into Cuba) U.S marine
    • Romantic relationship with Judyth
    • worked side by side in an underground medical laboratory(“small lab”) located in David Ferrie’s apartment on Louisiana Avenue Parkway in New Orleans, and that she was the lab tech that handled the cancer-causing monkey viruses.
    • Lee’s role in the kill-Castro protion of the project was to transport the bio-weapon into Cuba. The radio debates tand film clips of Oswald’s leafleting were arranged by Ochsner(at Oswald’s request) to make Oswald appear to be an authentic defector so he could get into Cuba more easily
  • David Ferrie: Participant: Ran the little Lab

    the team believe the weapon is needed for 3rd world war. Either Castor or JFK is going down.

    • Was a pilot for the CIA and flew in and out of Cuba
    • Strong Anti-Castro supporter
    • was angry JFK for failing to help the Cuban exiles restore liberty to their land
    • David wants Castro or JFK dead
  • Others:
    • Carlos Marcello: “Godfather” of the New Orleans Mafia”
    • Jack Ruby: Worked for Carols Marcello
    • Guy Bannister: Ex-FBI; Assistant Superintendent of the New Orleans Police Dept; tried to block Marcello’s deportation
    • JFK: Tackling organized crime in New Orleans, deported Marcello to Guatemala. Also was “soft” on Cuba.
  • By injecting Castro with cancer, the U.S.Government would avoid the usual suspicion that a violent assassination would generate.

1960 to 1963 The “little” Laboratory

dr.MarysMonkey.org_imgs/20200204_225157_z53vEE.png movie: JFK

May 1963

  • 19 year old Judyth met Lee Oswald at the post office
    • Lee was already working with David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman and Dr. Alton Ochsner on the bio weapon at the time
    • Lee set up a meeting for Judyth with Dr. Mary Sherman and David Ferrie.
      • They discussed the nature of their project and deemed the idea of using cancer causing viruses to kill Castro as ethical, since it may prevent World War III.
  • Judyth’s work isn’t to work on vaccine, but to help create virus capable of causing galloping cancer.
    • Job consist of harvesting 50+ mices weekly that been injected SV40.
    • Virus mutated by radiation
    • She then grind up the most aggressive

Summer 1963

  • Juydth convinced Dr. Ochsner and others that the real thing they need was pull down Castro’s immune system by using several Ploys, and then when the cancer’s introduced into his body, it would be found in this blood system and they’d put him in front of the x-ray again and again and again. Supposedly he’d be getting treatments to kill the cancer when actually his immune system was getting destroyed.
  • Juydth was sucssful killing numerous monkeys with the biological weapon, the group tested it on a human subject in a mental institution, KILLING THE HUMAN. The man died after 28 DAYS.
    • This US secret cancert team went to Jackson Mental Hospital with these prisoners that were going to be injected… and at that time those prisoners received the injections and x-ray, injections and x-ray, that they hoped would actually kill these people.
  • Juydth wrote a letter to Dr. Ochsner protesting the use of an unwitting human in their bioweapon test.
  • Oswald expoleded and threatened Juydth and Oswald
    • Ochsner reneged on his offer to place Judyth in medical school and ordered Oswald to Dallas.
    • Judyth went back to FL
    • A few months later, Nonmember 20, 1963, Lee told Judyth over the phone there would be a real attempt to kill President Kennedy when he visited Dallas.

from 1955-1963:

  • almost every does of polio vaccine produced in the world was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine.
  • It is estimated that 1 out of every 200 people will have cancer caused by SV-40
  • There are now 15 cases of cancer for every case of polio it prevented!

JFK assassination

  • November 22, 1963 JFK was killed
  • Lee was arrested
  • November 24, Oswald was scheduled to transferred to county jail and was kill by Jack Ruby.

July 21, 1964

  • Dr. Sherman was found brutally murdered in her burned apartment
  • On the right side of her body, flesh and bone had evaporated so that her right rib cage wand all of her right arm had disintegrated. She had been stabbed multiple times; including genital mutilation(setup as a lesbian sex crime).
  • The Warren Commission started taking testimonies in New Orleans on the morning of July 21, 1964, several hours after Mary’s murder.
  • The crime was never solved.

Lee Oswald

  • It would have been difficult to investigate and persecute Lee in a court of law without exposing the laboratory, its sponsors, the cancer-causing viruses that contaminated the polio vaccines, and all the medical and ethical questions arising from the irradiation of the dangerous monkey viruses.
  • Oswald’s trail would have exposed the anti-communists he was connected to: Dr. Ochsner, Reily, Banister, Carols Marcello and perhaps even the FBI and CIA

Jack Ruby kills Oswald November 24, 1963

  • Jack and Lee were friends. They were in lab together
  • Jack died from the effects of galloping lung cancer before this second trail could begin. He claimed that he had been injected with cancer and was put through a 45 minute x-ray session because he thought he had pneumonia.
  • Dr. Don from Chicago to inject Jack
  • Jack gave a note to Jailer and said “They injected me with cancer virus”

The rise of soft tissue cancers

  • the six cancers: Lung, breast, prostate, Lymphoma, brain and Melanoma
    • Skin: 70%
    • Lymphoma: 60%
    • Prostate: 60%
    • Breast: 34%
      • There was a sudden increase in breast cancer in 1985. Cases went for 130,000 per year in 1978 to over 180,000 per year in 1987
      • Remember: 10 year old girls in 1955 receiving the polio vaccine became 40 years old in 1985, the age where breast cancer starts showing up in significant numbers.
  • Quote from polio vaccine developer Albert Sabin: “I think to release certain information is not a public service. There’s too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh, your children were injected with a cancer virus and all that. That’s not very good!”

SV-40 found in seminal fluid and blood samples

  • Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors
  • That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.

SIV virus also in polio vaccines

  • SIV is the ancestor virus to aids
  • SIV is considerably smaller than SV-40. The technology of the 1950’s wasn’t able to filter SIV from the viral extracts. The researchers did not consider these viruses dangerous and basically ignored them. dr.MarysMonkey.org_imgs/20200204_220026_itje65.png

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1971: President Nixon declares war on cancer
