
urwid based console application for easy filelist creation with dq2

Primary LanguagePython


urwid based console application for easy filelist creation with dq2


Commanline application for easy creating filelists on the localgroupdisc using dq2 and rucio.


  • python 2.6 or above
  • dq2-tool ready
  • urwid library (included)

Since the urwid package is not available on mogon it is included in this repository


Check out this repository with

git clone https://github.com/weinshec/FileListTool

If you don't have the dq2-tools already setup execute the included script, that sources all the necessary PATH and scripts

source setupDQ2.sh

Finally you can run the tool via



Simply run the tool and select your datasets by pressing ENTER. You can use the positive/negative list tags to filter the list of available samples.

Command overview:

Key Function
ENTER (un)select sample
Tab switch between available/selected list
c Create file list (may take some time)
p/n Set positive/negative tags list
f Change filename of filelist
d Toggle usage of default output folder

The default output folder is read from your ganga_mogon config file