
A job board postings text analyzer. (Indeed, Monster etc.)

Primary LanguageJava



###Updated 2016-3-15 This project was written April 2014 as part of my school project for the course of COMP4601 supervised by Prof.Tony White. Some of the codes were pretty immature looking back from now. But it was personally a milestone I had made in my programming career path.

##Introduction Our project is a text summarization system which collects job ad web pages on some of the major job search websites and data collected from the Internet would be used as source for analyzing the employers' preference for certain computer science skills. The aim of our project is to help computer science graduates set up goals for learning new techniques, or simply to feed people's curiosity.


  • Jsoup 1.7.3
  • MongoDB 2.11.3
  • Jersey 1.17
  • OpenCloud
  • Chart4j 1.3

##How it works ###MongoDB In order to store documents, set up a database in MongoDB called JobPostDB and a collection called JobPost.

###Add A New Job Category In SeedConfig class under COMP4601ProjectJobAdCollector project, simply add a new seed with a job title as tag to the urlSet return by getSeeds method.


Add new job category into database

public class SeedConfig{
	public static ArrayList<String> titleFilter = new ArrayList<String>();
	public static UrlSet getSeeds(){
		//This is the collection of root URLs
		UrlSet urlSet = new UrlSet();			
		//The URL is the search result of the job
		Url seed = new Url("http://www.workopolis.com/jobsearch/web-programmer-jobs");
		//Every job post URL in workoplis.com contains "jobsearch/job"
		//We are not interested in other links
		//This is the new job category
		seed.setTag("Web Developer");			

When JobAdCollector runs, it will call getSeeds method in SeedConfig class to obtain the urlSet as the URL roots.

To show the category in the homepage of the web service

public class PageGenerator {
	public String generateIndexPage(){
		ArrayList<String> jobRanks = new ArrayList<String>();
		jobRanks.add("Web Developer"); // New category

		. . .

##How To Use it

  1. Run the class main on server in the COMP4601ProjectWebService under edu.carleton.COMP4601.web package
  2. Directing a browser to http://localhost:8080/comp4601/rest/ep would display the homepage of the top 10 job skills rankings for the job categories.
  3. To see more job skills preferred by employers with respect to a particular job, click on the title of the job and a skill keyword word cloud would be displayed.
  4. Under the skill word cloud, there is a job difficulty ranking based on the number of skill keyword occurrence.
  5. Click on a job post link would direct you to the actual job post in the job search website.
  6. To search keyword in the job post documents in the database, use rest/ep/job/keyword, for example: rest/ep/web_developer/toronto.
  7. In the search result page, the pie chart and the top 10 skill list will reflect the search result based on the two given criteria above.

##Design Pattern The whole project is consist of three parts:

  • WebCrawler
  • COMP4601ProjectJobAdCollector
  • COMP4601ProjectWebService

###WebCrawler is a simple self-customized web crawler program which is consist of two main classes under edu.carleton.webcrawler.main:

  • UrlCollector
  • WebPageCollector

####UrlCollector This class is to collect URLs with specified patterns in a given web page. The UrlCollectorOnFinishListener is called when the URL collection process is finished and a UrlSet is returned. UrlSet is simply a URL string container. setNumOfThreads method is used to set the number of thread involved in the process of collecting web URLs.

####WebPageCollector This class is to collect web page content based on the given UrlSet. It uses Jsoup to parse level 1 to 4 of HTML titles and the paragraphs from the web page. The WebPageCollectorOnFinishListner is called when it finishes collecting web pages.

##COMP4601ProjectJobAdCollector Some of the important classes:

  • JobAdCollector
  • SeedConfig
  • TextAnalyzer
  • MongoDBManager

JobAdCollector is the implementation of the actual process of job ads collection. It calls the getSeed method in SeedConfig to get the seed URLs with specified matchers(patterns that the URL might contain). The WebPageCollectorOnVisitListener is called each time when a new page is visited and a Page object is returned. Page's content will be tokenized and the program will analyze each token using TextAnalyzer to check if a certain job skill keyword exits in the page content. If a skill keyword or its other forms is found, program will accumulate it to jobPost. After checking through the whole page content, the page is added to MongoDB using MongoDBManager.

#Statistical Methods

###Skill Keyword Accumulative Method Once a skill keyword occurs in the page content, the skill keyword will be put to skillTags in JobPostDocument. The number of this skill required by this job will be count as 1. The same skill keyword will not be count twice.

###Job Post Search Accuracy The job search engines provided by the job search websites does not always provide us the correct result. Sometimes, when you search for "web developer", it gives you web developer jobs AND graphic designer jobs which is another job category. So in order to get more precise statistics, we have to limit the HTML page title to some keywords that are associated with "web developer", such as "web designer","web programmer" etc.

###Job Difficulty Ranking The ranking is based on the number of skill keyword occurrence in the job ad. Because we think if there are many job skills are mentioned in a job ad, it would likely be a difficult job.

##Future Works ###High Frequency Skill Set Some skills have the higher chance appear in the job post. For example: HTML and CSS. We are interested in what the most frequent skill sets are, so that we can see the relationship amongst skills.

###Job Title Variation Dictionary We need a dictionary for dealing with the job name varieties. For example, A job post is found with title "Junior Web Programmer in Ottawa" in its HTML title would be considered as a Web Developer job.

###External Job Skill and Skill Name Variation Dictionary We need to have a external dictionary for the skills and their corresponding name varieties. Because having an external configuration is easier for users to insert and modify the target skill keywords they are interested in.