
Web service for unique test generation based on ontology of the domain

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status BCH compliance


It is a backend web service for unique test item generation, which was built with the help of Flask and SQLAlchemy. Microservice follows REST API architecture, however it supports only GET and POST methods, which was actually enough to fulfill the requirements.

Generator is deployed on Heroku and it can be checked here Keep in mind that I use free Heroku plan, which means that Heroku dyno will sleep after 30min with no activity. If a sleeping web dyno receives web traffic, it will become active again after a short delay, so be patient.

Setup DB

Service uses Postgres DB.

  • Deployed service uses Heroku Postgres DB, you can read about it here
  • Locally, I used PostgreSQL instance inside a Docker container.

If you are willing to test the generator locally, it is necessary to install Docker, here is the guide how to do it.

After the installation, follow command creates a PostgreSQL instance.

docker run --name ontology-orm-psql \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=ontology-db \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -d postgres

IF case If you got something like Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon, just add sudo before any Docker command or follow these steps


  • to stop the instance docker stop ontology-orm-psql
  • to remove the instance docker rm ontology-orm-psql

Setup and run

After we have successfully created PostgreSQL instance, we can install all the dependencies and run the app.

  1. pip install pipenv Pipenv
  2. make a directory where you would like to clone the repository and go there
  3. git clone https://www.github.com/weirdname404/test-generator-api
  4. cd test-generator-api
  5. pipenv install it installs all dependencies
  6. pipenv run ./run.sh runs the app

Behind the scenes

Test item generation works on the basis of the domain ontology. (Currently, ontology is only in the Excel format)

What happens after run.sh?

  1. The ontology of the domain is parsed and data about the entities (objects, attributes, classes) is moved to DB
  2. Flask starts the app locally and then just listens to the requests.
  3. After receiving the request to generate a test item, a special Config is created on the basis of JSON request requirements. Config class can be found here
  4. Certain sets of objects and attributes are fetched from the DB. Required objects and attributes are mentioned in the Config
  5. According to the qustion_form and answer_form, which are mentioned in the Config as well, certain entities that can be either distractors or right answers are randomly chosen. Distractor - special false answer option that look very similar to the right answer
  6. The correct stem is chosen on the basis of qustion_form and answer_form
  7. Response JSON with generated items is returned

Request example

We requested 3 test items with the request JSON shown below:

	"author": "Author",
	"creation_date": "01.01.1970",
	"version": "1.00",
	"guid": "2E7E22F4-5B51-4948-B120-AB21F08317DB",
	"test_requirements": {
		"count": 3,
		"question_type": ["O>A>O", "O>A", "A>O"],
		"answer_form": ["binary", "choice", "options"],
		"entities1": ["Ст4сп", "05кп", "50", "20", "60"],
		"entities2": ["Содержание легирующих элементов", "Способ раскисления", "Характеристика качества", "ГОСТ сплава", "Максимальная доля углерода в процентах", "Минимальная доля марганца в процентах"]

REMINDER question_type can be any from ["O>A", "A>O", "O>A>O] which corresponds to:

  • Object -> Attribute
  • Attribute -> Object
  • Object -> Attribute -> Object

answer_form can be any from ["binary", "choice", "options"] which corresponds to:

  • binary - Yes/No answer
  • choice - single choice answer
  • options - multiple choice answer

In my example I chose all possible question and answer forms.

objects and attributes can be any from (if the app works locally) or from https://test-generator-api.herokuapp.com/entities


The generator responded with the following JSON:

	"questions": [{
		"answer_form": "binary",
		"distractors": ["Да", "Нет"],
		"entity1": "481EE934-C8E4-4F52-B822-87F7A1BF20DC",
		"entity2": "CC87318D-0877-4595-BE74-BF67C515778C",
		"guid": "F00EA984-A227-4962-BEE3-8D7442A6AEC5",
		"key": ["Да"],
		"question_type": "A>O",
		"stem": "Согласны ли Вы с тем, что верным примером стали, которую можно охарактеризовать как сталь обыкновенного качества, является сталь марки Ст4сп?"
	}, {
		"answer_form": "choice",
		"distractors": ["08пс", "Ст4сп", "Ст4кп", "Ст2пс", "Ст0"],
		"entity1": "3E005E99-F8C7-42EC-AEB7-D97D4774560D",
		"entity2": "776A475C-F816-41AC-99C5-3481DEA05439",
		"guid": "C487C646-3948-4481-854B-6EC5CCBAB873",
		"key": ["08пс"],
		"question_type": "O>A>O",
		"stem": "Назовите марки стали, входят в тот же ГОСТ, что и сталь 05кп:"
	}, {
		"answer_form": "options",
		"distractors": ["20", "45", "60", "20пс", "Ст5пс"],
		"entity1": "3E005E99-F8C7-42EC-AEB7-D97D4774560D",
		"entity2": "481EE934-C8E4-4F52-B822-87F7A1BF20DC",
		"guid": "5C3494B5-100B-43D6-B429-D513B94249AA",
		"key": ["20", "45", "60", "20пс"],
		"question_type": "O>A>O",
		"stem": "Назовите марки стали, которые по характеристике качества одинаковы со сталью 05кп:"
	"request_info": {
		"author": "Author",
		"creation_date": "01.01.1970",
		"guid": "2E7E22F4-5B51-4948-B120-AB21F08317DB",
		"test_requirements": {
			"answer_form": ["binary", "choice", "options"],
			"count": 3,
			"entities1": ["Ст4сп", "05кп", "50", "20", "60"],
			"entities2": ["Содержание легирующих элементов", "Способ раскисления", "Характеристика качества", "ГОСТ сплава", "Максимальная доля углерода в процентах", "Минимальная доля марганца в процентах"],
			"question_type": ["O>A>O", "O>A", "A>O"]
		"version": "1.00"

How to test the generator?

I tested it with curl

  1. Send the request via curl to local server
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"author": "Author","creation_date": "01.01.1970","version": "1.00","guid": "2E7E22F4-5B51-4948-B120-AB21F08317DB","test_requirements": {"count": 3,"question_type": ["O>A>O", "O>A", "A>O"],"answer_form": ["binary", "choice", "options"],"entities1": ["Ст4сп", "05кп", "50", "20", "60"],"entities2": ["Содержание легирующих элементов", "Способ раскисления", "Характеристика качества", "ГОСТ сплава", "Максимальная доля углерода в процентах", "Минимальная доля марганца в процентах"]}}' ''

  1. Send the request via curl to the deployed server
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"author": "Author","creation_date": "01.01.1970","version": "1.00","guid": "2E7E22F4-5B51-4948-B120-AB21F08317DB","test_requirements": {"count": 3,"question_type": ["O>A>O", "O>A", "A>O"],"answer_form": ["binary", "choice", "options"],"entities1": ["Ст4сп", "05кп", "50", "20", "60"],"entities2": ["Содержание легирующих элементов", "Способ раскисления", "Характеристика качества", "ГОСТ сплава", "Максимальная доля углерода в процентах", "Минимальная доля марганца в процентах"]}}' 'test-generator-api.herokuapp.com/generate-test'