
Ballot SC5: Improve Phone Validation Methods

Primary LanguageCSS


This repository contains a copy, in Kramdown format, of three documents produced by the CA/Browser Forum: Baseline Requirements, Bylaws, and EV SSL Certificate Guidelines. The master branch is intended to always match the current adopted version of all documents.

As updates are made to the master branch, they are automatically made available at these URLs:

The HTML format is usable either in a browser or in Microsoft Word.


The build process involves generating HTML documents from kramdown, then generating PDF documents from HTML using Weasyprint. These have a number of other dependencies that can be time-consuming to install. The fastest way to start is to use a Docker image, which works on Windows and macOS, and Linux:

git clone https://github.com/cabforum/documents/
cd documents
docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/documents j4cob/cabforum make

This will automatically download a Docker image containing the necessary dependencies, and run make in a container based off that image. The output will be available in the output/ directory. This docker command mounts the current directory as a volume, so it will build from the version of the documents in the current directory. You can edit files on the Docker host, and use Docker just for building.

If you want to install the dependencies without Docker, you'll need ruby, bundler, Python, pip, gcc, and several libraries installed. See Dockerfile for a list of packages installable on Debian. Make sure that ~/.local/bin/ is in your $PATH.

Install kramdown and weasyprint via bundler and pip, respectively:

bundle install
pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Then run make to build the documents:


The output is available in the output/ directory.

Building the Docker image locally

If you'd like to build a copy of the Docker image locally, for instance, to use a different version of Weasyprint or kramdown, run:

docker build --tag my_cabforum_tag .
docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/documents my_cabforum_tag make