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Video Demo: Youtube
JourneyTeller is an interactive tool where users construct their travel stories as a map. The map medium allows users to create a streamlined, informative, and engaging travel narrative to share with friends and family. In the application, users create trips and store places in it. Each place stores user-entered information such as notes, a photo, and geographic data (via Google Places API). Once places are added, a dynamic map is generated with all of the trip's places as markers on the map. Viewers of the map can learn about the user's travels by clicking on the markers for more information. They can also view a collage view of the pictures from the trip.
Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy
Frontend: Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap
APIs: Google Places API, Google Maps JavaScript API, Imgur API
Deployment: Heroku
To begin using the app, the user must log in or create an account. The passwords are hashed with bcrypt before they are stored in the database. Once a user creates an account or logs in, they can view all their trips. They can also create a trip. The trip takes in a name, a location, a start date, and an end date. The Google Places API is used to get the geographic bounds of the place selected by the user. After a trip is created, the user can add places to the trip. The Add Place form's map and location search bar are centered at the location the user entered in the Trip Creation form. This way the Google Places API will recommend places geographically near the user specified location. The user enteres additional information such as a trip name, category, day of the trip, and optional notes and picture upload. If a picture is uploaded, the Imgur API will be called to store the file and provide the link to it. The place is added to the trip page where users can see all the places they added. The trip can be made public or private. If made public, people with the link can view the trip's map and collage view. Once a place is added, it can also be edited or deleted. The Edit Place form preopulates the form with the information the user previously entered via an AJAX request to the server. The trip can be viewed as a map and as a collage. These pages can be shared with friends and family via Pinterest and Facebook.
Kelly is a Software Engineer and Hackbright Academy grad. This is her first fullstack application. She especially enjoyed creating a highly interactive application that could handle a lot of user input. She is looking forward to building more projects that connect people and encourage information sharing.