
Shared Android Libraries of SWARM

Primary LanguageJava


Shared Android Libraries of SWARM

There are three libraries now.

  • core : Shared Non-UI code.
compile 'com.swarmnyc:core:0.1'
  • ui : Shared UI code.
compile 'com.swarmnyc:ui:0.1'
  • test : Shared code for Test.
compile 'com.swarmnyc:test:0.1'

mavenLocal and jCenter

when you run

$ gradlew bintrayUpload

These libraries will be uploaded to jCenter, if you just want to update them locally, you can use

$ gradlew install

install task will upload libraries to mavenLocal (~/.m2/), so remember to add it in build.gradle like

allprojects {
    repositories {