- 5
Error on active extension coc-markdown-preview-enhanced: ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined
#31 opened by hexh250786313 - 1
- 2
[BUG] "FetchError: Cannot follow redirect with body being a readable stream" when trying to render PlantUML
#29 opened by avimmer - 0
能否支持其他的js拓展功能,比如 charjs, mermaid 等等?
#27 opened by giceli - 0
#28 opened by giceli - 0
能否把PDF导出做的simple and stupid一点?
#26 opened by sloppydevil - 0
[BUG] sync is slow and syncPreview cannot work
#25 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
[BUG] Command not found after updating
#24 opened by pilgrimlyieu - 2
If a hyperlink of a page which markdown-preview-enchaced opened is a markdown in localhost, use markdown-preview-enhanced to open it
#23 opened by Freed-Wu - 1
[BUG] failure install
#22 opened by z124055429y - 3
[BUG] Print to pdf
#21 opened by AlleNeri - 2
- 2
[功能请求] 快速插入图片
#14 opened by supremew - 1
heading level 5 siderbar index mess
#20 opened by beautiful-boyyy - 2
Cannot install
#19 opened by beautiful-boyyy - 4
[BUG] Cannot install
#18 opened by Freed-Wu - 6
[question] Can it support exporting?
#16 opened by Freed-Wu - 1
[coc.nvim] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received null
#17 opened by Freed-Wu - 4
[Error]: LaTeX-incompatible input and strict mode is set to 'warn': Unicode text character "键" used in math mode [unicodeTextInMathMode]
#15 opened by hexh250786313 - 1
[BUG] markdown 中插入路经中含有中文的图片时,不能预览到图片
#13 opened by supremew - 2
[BUG] Image preview and link jumping with a relative/absolute pathname work unexpectedly
#11 opened by DehanLUO - 1
[BUG] "Create ToC" not working
#10 opened by DehanLUO - 1
- 1
Poor math support
#8 opened by lygamac - 0
Theme: TokyoNight
#6 opened by Zeioth - 1
Error: asWebviewUri: The resource cannot be created because the localResource is not inside the localResourceRoots
#4 opened by luisdavim - 2
usePandocParser not working
#3 opened by oblitum - 1
`@shd101wyy/mume` module no found
#1 opened by iamcco