This repository applys PIVT on RaspberryPi-4(RPi)
- The blockchain network configuration is based on SFIOT
- Initial 3 orgs with 2 peers of each, and 5 raft orderers
- Chaincode is designed for manipulating data from smart meter/deep neural network model
- Still lack arm-based declarative flow
- Add new peer organizations to an already running network
- For more details please refer to orginal README
- A running Kubernetes cluster, Minikube should also work, but not tested
- HL Fabric binaries (arm version!!)
- Helm3
- jq 1.5+ and yq 2.6+
- Argo, both CLI and Controller 2.4.0+
- Minio, required for new-peer-org flows
- Run all the commands in fabric-kube folder
- AWS EKS users please also apply this fix
- A NFS-server which we used as storageclass
First install chart dependencies, you need to do this only once:
helm repo add incubator
helm dependency update ./hlf-kube/
NFS provisioner
helm repo add nfs-subdir-external-provisioner
helm install nfs-subdir-external-provisioner . \
--set nfs.server=YOUR-NFS-SERVER-IP \
--set nfs.path=YOUR-NFS-SERVER-PATH \
kubectl create ns argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f argo-install.yaml
kubectl create rolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=default:default
helm install argo-artifacts minio/minio \
--set service.type=LoadBalancer \
--set fullnameOverride=argo-artifacts \
--set persistence.storageClass=nfs-client \
--set defaultBucket.enabled=true \
Then configure the configmap
kubectl edit configmap workflow-controller-configmap -n argo
Now, lets launch a scaled up network based on three Raft orderer nodes spanning two Orderer organizations. This sample also demonstrates how to enable TLS and use actual domain names for peers and orderers instead of internal Kubernetes service names. Note this repo on RPi used Fabric 1.4.4, therefore the TLS should be enabled.
First tear down everything:
argo delete --all
helm delete hlf-kube --purge
Wait a bit until all pods are terminated:
kubectl get pod --watch
Then create necessary stuff:
./ ./samples/scaled-raft-tls/ ./samples/chaincode/
Lets launch our Raft based Fabric network in broken state:
helm install ./hlf-kube --name hlf-kube -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml
The pods will start but they cannot communicate to each other since domain names are unknown. You might also want to use the option --set peer.launchPods=false --set orderer.launchPods=false
to make this process faster.
Run this command to collect the host aliases:
./ ./samples/scaled-raft-tls/
Next, let's update the network with this host aliases information. These entries goes into pods' /etc/hosts
file via Pod hostAliases spec.
helm upgrade hlf-kube ./hlf-kube -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml
Again lets wait for all pods are up and running:
kubectl get pod --watch
Congrulations you have a running scaled up HL Fabric network in Kubernetes, with 3 Raft orderer nodes spanning 2 Orderer organizations and 2 peers per organization. But unfortunately, due to TLS, your application cannot use them with transparent load balancing, you need to connect to relevant peer and orderer services separately.
Lets create the channels:
helm template channel-flow/ -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml | argo submit - --watch
And install chaincodes:
helm template chaincode-flow/ -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml | argo submit - --watch
First tear down and re-launch and populate the Raft network as described in scaled-up-raft-network(scaled-up-raft-network) but pass the following additional flag: -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/persistence.yaml
At this point we can update the original configtx.yaml, crypto-config.yaml and network.yaml for the new organizations. First take backup of the originals:
rm -rf tmp && mkdir -p tmp && cp samples/scaled-raft-tls/configtx.yaml samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml tmp/
Then override with extended ones:
cp samples/scaled-raft-tls/extended/* samples/scaled-raft-tls/ && cp samples/scaled-raft-tls/configtx.yaml hlf-kube/
Create new crypto material:
./ samples/scaled-raft-tls
Update the network for the new crypto material and configtx and launch new peers:
helm upgrade hlf-kube ./hlf-kube -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/persistence.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml
Collect extended host aliases:
./ ./samples/scaled-raft-tls/
Upgrade host aliases in pods and wait for all pods are up and running:
helm upgrade hlf-kube ./hlf-kube -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/persistence.yaml
kubectl get pod --watch
Let's create the new peer organizations:
helm template peer-org-flow/ -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/configtx.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml | argo submit - --watch
Then run the channel flow to create new channels and populate existing ones regarding the new organizations:
helm template channel-flow/ -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml | argo submit - --watch
Finally run the chaincode flow to populate the chaincodes regarding new organizations:
helm template chaincode-flow/ -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/network.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/crypto-config.yaml -f samples/scaled-raft-tls/hostAliases.yaml --set chaincode.version=2.0 | argo submit - --watch
Please note, we increased the chaincode version. This is required to upgrade the chaincodes with new policies. Otherwise, new peers' endorsements will fail.
Restore original files
cp tmp/configtx.yaml tmp/crypto-config.yaml tmp/network.yaml samples/scaled-raft-tls/
- Arm-based declarative flow
- Intergrate with caliper