
A collection of configuration and documentation for writing code at Alchemy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collection of configuration and documentation for writing code at Alchemy.

General Guidelines

When working with any language all code should be:

  • readable - code is read more than written, strive for readability
  • commented - explaining the logical / business context helps all maintainers
  • professional - do not use profanity or make disparaging remarks about 3rd parties
  • modular - code should be logically separated into discrete units of functionality


Please utilize the .editorconfig file. If using Atom, please utilize the atom-editorconfig plugin. If using VSCode, please utilize editorconfig-vscode. Please see editorconfig.org for more integrations.

Source Control

All work must be done in a Git repository, with work should be done in separate branches.

All commits made should be atomic. Commit messages should be intentional and useful and should reference the issue number to which they correspond.

For example, suppose issue number 42 asks us to implement a feature to allow users to login to a website. When adding the code that handles that request, (even if other features are missing) and the commit does not close that issue:

git commit -m "routes: allow POST against /login; re: #42"

This allows anyone reviewing the code (including your future self) to understand the purpose for that code, as they have a link to a larger description of the problem that code solves. This is also especially helpful in understanding the context for a line of code in the past through git annotate.



Syntax and Formatting

All code should conform to our eslint configuration found in .eslintrc. Additionally, all code should be formatted with prettier.

To use these tools in your project, install them as devDependencies via:

npm i -D eslint babel-eslint


Modern editors such as Atom and VSCode provide integrations for both syntax highlighting and linting and formatting errors.

If using Atom, please use prettier-atom together with prettier-eslint integration. Once you have installed prettier-atom, please turn on checkboxes for ESLint Integration and Format Files on Save.

Technology Approach

All JavaScript code, including Node.js and React should be written against the most recent ES-next standards. Please refer to the javascript style guide for guidance on code technique and style. (Where this differs with our eslint and prettier config, those should prevail.)

For shipping assets to the browser, tools such as webpack and babel ought to be used. Legacy tools, such as grunt, gulp, etc. are discouraged.