project for computer graphics
make \
make clean
toggle by clicking "key 1"
"key w" goes forward "key s" goes backward "key a" goes left "key d" goes right "key q" goes up "key e" goes down "key left shift" doubles movements
moves mouse while keep "mouse left button left" pressed
This time, I use the skeleton by LearnOpenGL and some well-implemented classes like Shader and Model, instead of FLTK.
I have a plane obj file created by blender, i use it as the plain water surface.
I first implement parameterlized sine wave, followed this tutorial.
Then, i use the heightmap provided on dgmm. The hard part is the normal, i finally solved by using this method.
After finished two type of waves, i try to implement the intereactive wave. But i haven't finish yet, just only doing frame buffer object.