
LeetCode problems related to graph

Primary LanguagePython

Graph Algorithm

Shortest Path

  1. Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm; Check out Wiki
  2. Shortest Path within K Stops; See example LeetCode
    • Breadth first search
  3. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors; See example LeetCode
    • Breadth first search

Connected Components

  1. Count the Number of Complete Components; See example LeetCode
    • Depth first search

Minimum Spanning Tree

  1. Min Cost to Connect All Points; See example LeetCode
    • Kruskal’s algorithm and Union-Find algorithm

Topological Sort

  1. Course Schedule; See example LeetCode
    • Kahn's algorithm and Breadth first search

Graph coloring/Bipartition

  1. Possible Bipartition; See example LeetCode
    • Breadth first search