Wage Gap Analysis

This repository contains the data, source code, and report for the analysis of the wage gap between genders from an occupational perspective.


This analysis uses Python for data cleaning and Stata for regression analysis. For convenience, the Stata course code is also written in the Python notebook using a package called pystata. To install this package on your machine, please run the following command in the terminal:

pip install pystata

Note: Ensure that Stata is also installed on your machine, and when calling pystata, make sure to change the directory to where you installed Stata. Please refer to the notebook's pattern if you are unable to import the package.


This project was completed by two undergraduate students, Jiahui Cai (j7cai@ucsd.edu) and Weiyue Li (wel019@ucsd.edu). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!