
The project intends to perform the image segmentation task in the “Women's Apparel” domain on a shopping website. Given an image, the software tries to detect possible category/categories of clothes on the image, and output the bounding box and corresponding tag.

Table of Contents

Model Selection

The image segmentation task is actually an object detection task. Based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), modern object detectors, such as Faster R-CNN, R-FCN and SSD, are able to give very good predictions.

Speed is the main factor to be considered for model selection given the time constraint of this project. The meta-architecture used is SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector descriped in the paper, and the feature extractor used is mobilenet. A pre-trained model with checkpoint is available on TenforFlow Object Detection API. (The training takes more than two weeks as mentioned in the paper.)

Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff

According to Huang, J. et al. paper, the accuracy vs. time on COCO for (meta-architecture, feature extractor) pair is as follows:

SSD with MobileNet is the fastest, but its mean average precision (mAP) is lower than others.

SSD Meta-architecture

The SSD meta-architecture is as follows (cited from paper):

SSD is simple and straightforward since:

SSD is simple relative to methods that require object proposals because it completely eliminates proposal generation and subsequent pixel or feature resampling stages and encapsulates all computation in a single network.

It discretizes the output space of bounding boxes into a set of default boxes over different aspect ratios and scales per feature map location. At prediction time, the network generates scores for the presence of each object category in each default box and produces adjustments to the box to better match the object shape. Additionally, the network combines predictions from multiple feature maps with different resolutions to naturally handle objects of various sizes.

The SSD model requires many default boxes mainly due to the reasons:

1. Smooth L1 or L2 loss for box shape averages among likely hypotheses
2. Need to have enough default boxes (discrete bins) to do accurate regression
3. General principle for regressing complex continuous outputs with deep nets

The SSD model adds several feature layers to the end of a base network, which can provide a better accuracy on objects of different scales and aspect ratios.


Configuration examples for using TensorFlow Object Detection API are here. The configuration file used in this project is based on ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config.

Parameters for training, which can be further tuned/optimized:

train_config: {
batch_size: 24
optimizer {
  rms_prop_optimizer: {
    learning_rate: {
      exponential_decay_learning_rate {
        initial_learning_rate: 0.004
        decay_steps: 800720
        decay_factor: 0.95
    momentum_optimizer_value: 0.9
    decay: 0.9
    epsilon: 1.0

Data augmentation techniques are also defined:

data_augmentation_options {
  random_horizontal_flip {
data_augmentation_options {
  ssd_random_crop {

There are also more options available here.

Basic Installation

In order to run the project, you will need Python, pip and the relative libraries.

Windows Prerequisites

  • Git for windows

  • Python 3.5+ 64-bit

  • LabelImg

    Download the zipped repository directly or install by pip3 install labelImg, then install

    • PyQt4+ pip3 install pyqt5 or pip3 install PyQt4‑4.11.4‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl
    • lxml pip3 install lxml

    Note: Use pip3 just if both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed (Check it).

  • Tensorflow Object Detection API

    Install required libraries, such as pandas, Pillow:

    py -3 -m pip install pandas or pip3 install pandas

    py -3 -m pip install Pillow or pip3 install Pillow

Linux (Ubuntu) Prerequisites on Google Cloud Platform

Most libraries have been pre-installed, but you might need to run the following to install some libraries:

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler python-pil python-lxml
sudo pip install jupyter
sudo pip install matplotlib
sudo apt-get install python-tk

Download the Application

To run a copy from the latest master branch in git, you can clone the repository:

git clone


Prepare the Training and Testing Datasets

The images in the raw .zip file are not labeled, and I didn't find any database for labeled images that share the same categories, so I decided to manually label as many samples as I can using LabelImg. The annotations are saved as XML files in PASCAL VOC format, and can be converted to TFrecord files.

It is also worth trying another annotation tool FIAT in future, which saves the annotations in the RotatedRect format (path,class,center_x,center_y,w,h,o), instead of the Rect format (path,class,x,y,w,h).

Manually labelling

Create labels based on

Testd the category Pants_Leggings First.

Simply run


Then Open Dir, Change Save Dir, View->Autosaving, or run with default


For example, use python 'C:\ProductImageSegmentation\samples' '.\data\predefined_classes.txt'

Generate TFRecord files for TensorFlow

  • Convert XML to CSV

  • Split the dataset to training and testing (default ratio: 4:1) The total number of labelled images is 911. 728 images are used for training, and 183 images are used for testing.


    The summary of the segmentation samples is:

    Class Counts_Train Counts_Test Total
    Dresses 348 106 454
    Lingerie 98 22 120
    Pants_Leggings 246 55 301
    Shorts 127 24 151
    Skirts 91 18 109
    Tops 380 71 451

    The samples of Skirts, Shorts and Lingerie are much less than others, which could lead to a bad performance on the segmenation of these categories.

  • Generate .tfrecords files

    py -3 --csv_input=data/train_labels.csv  --output_path=data/train.record
    py -3 --csv_input=data/test_labels.csv  --output_path=data/test.record

Running Locally (Windows 10 64-bit)

Set or replace the TRAIN_DIR, EVAL_DIR and PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH first.

Train the model

# From tensorflow\models\research\
py -3 object_detection\ \
  --train_dir TRAIN_DIR \
  --pipeline_config_path PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH

Graph Visualization: tensorboard --logdir=TRAIN_DIR

Evaluate the model

# From tensorflow\models\research\
py -3 object_detection\ \
  --eval_dir EVAL_DIR \
  --pipeline_config_path PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH \
  --checkpoint_dir TRAIN_DIR

Graph Visualization: tensorboard --logdir=EVAL_DIR --port 6007

Running on Google Cloud Platform (Ubuntu)

Note: Follow GCP documentation and solve the bugs of missing module before submitting the jobs.

export PROJECT=$(gcloud config list project --format "value(core.project)")
export GCS_BUCKET="weizh888"
export JOB_NAME="imgSeg_$(date +%s)"
export TRAIN_DIR="${GCS_BUCKET}/training"
export EVAL_DIR="${GCS_BUCKET}/evaluation"
export PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH="${GCS_BUCKET}/config/ssd_mobilenet_v1_gcs.config"

Submit training job

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training ${JOB_NAME} \
    --module-name object_detection.train \
    --job-dir=gs://${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz \
    --staging-bucket gs://${GCS_BUCKET} \
    --region us-central1 \
    --config object_detection/samples/cloud/cloud.yml \
    -- \
    --train_dir gs://${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --pipeline_config_path=gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
    --eval_data_paths gs://${GCS_BUCKET}/preproc/eval* \
    --train_data_paths gs://${GCS_BUCKET}/preproc/train*

Monitor Training Logs: gcloud ml-engine jobs stream-logs ${JOB_NAME}

Graph Visualization: tensorboard --logdir=gs://${TRAIN_DIR} --port 8080

Submit evaluation job

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training ${JOB_NAME}_eval \
    --job-dir=gs://${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --module-name object_detection.eval \
    --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz \
    --region us-central1 \
    --scale-tier BASIC_GPU \
    -- \
    --checkpoint_dir=gs://${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --eval_dir=gs://${EVAL_DIR} \

Monitor Training Logs: gcloud ml-engine jobs stream-logs ${JOB_NAME}_eval

Graph Visualization: tensorboard --logdir=gs://${EVAL_DIR} --port 8081

Export the model

gsutil cp gs://weizh888/training/model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER}.* ~/

# From tensorflow/models/research/
python object_detection/ \
    --input_type image_tensor \
    --pipeline_config_path gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
    --trained_checkpoint_prefix gs://${TRAIN_DIR}/model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER} \
    --output_directory exported_model


Total Loss and Precision

The total loss reaches ~1.0 in the training dataset and the mAP@IoU≥0.5 reaches ~0.5 for the validation dataset. (The mAP@IoU≥0.5 reaches more than 0.9 in the one-class situation.)

Evaluation Examples

Examples in one-class model

The category is 'Pants_Leggings'.

For more examples, check examples.

Examples in six-class model

The six categories that are manually labeled: 'Pants_Leggings', 'Dresses', 'Skirts', 'Tops', 'Shorts', 'Lingerie'.

Pants_Leggings, Dresses and Tops are relatively easy to segment, but sometimes the model cannot identify Dresses and Skirts, Skirts and Shorts.

Conclusion and More Thoughts

  • The datasets used for training and validation are 911 manually labelled images from the raw .zip file. The first step was to use only one category for segmentation. Then 6 categories were used for modelling.

  • The model used is based on the pre-trained ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco model from Tensorflow Object Detection API, due to its fast speed. Model training part was mainly completed on google cloud platform. Manually labelling, visualization and some pre-training work were done on a windows PC.

  • The model was able to segment one-class situation very precisely. But on a six-class segmentation work, it didn't perform as well. There are some possible reasons:

    • In some scenes/images, some clothes are naturally difficult to identify even by human beings.
    • Input images size: images were resized to 300 x 300 in the model. It is reported that using 512 x 512 would give better results, but it will take more resource.
    • Unbalanced classes: for some categories, such as Skirts, Shorts and Lingerie, the training examples are not enough.
    • Parameter tuning: the model is not very well tuned, due to time and computing resource limitation. For example, the batch size used is 24. According to this talk slides, larger batch size and smaller crop size seems to be better than smaller batch size but larger crop size. There are also some tricks mentioned in the talk.

    The model still shows good potential in this clothes segmentation task. It is also possible to try other pre-trained models, such as the faster_rcnn_nas included in the TensorFlow Object Detection API. Its COCO mAP[^1] is 43, compared with ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco's 21, while the training time is about 60 times slower (1833 ms vs. 30 ms.). Furthermore, ensembling several deep neural networks is also possible to give a try.