Last Modified: 2017-06-28
Leaf-snowflake is a distributedļ¼monotonic increase long-type integer ID maker.
Support nearly 1000+ leaf-snowflake servers to provide id services simultaneously.
Based on leaf-snowflake.
- mvn package
- Set ${LEAF_HOME} environment variable
- Config leaf.yaml at ${LEAF_HOME}/conf
- Exec ${LEAF_HOME}/bin/
- Communicate to the RPC server and get the unique , monotonic increase ID like startClient() in /rpc/ shows,just for test!
List the content of a znode dir:
/bin/ zktool list /leaf/server-forever
Read the content of a znode:
/bin/ zktool read /leaf/server-forever/
Cost 191 seconds with 200W absolutely monotonic increase Ids generated.
TPS: 1W+/sec for a single machine
weizhenyi Github:
Email: QQ:632155186