Contrail Virtual Router
The Contrail Virtual Router implements the data-plane functionality that allows a virtual interface to be associated with a VRF.
The Contrail Virtual Router is distributed under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause License and the GPLv2.
The implementation is split into generic "dp-core" and "dpdk" directories used by multiple operating systems and OS-specific glue. The "linux" directory contains the Linux specific code.
The utils directory contains user space applications that can be used to created interfaces (utils/vif) or display the state of the kernel module.
Contrail-dev-env container process can be followed to build vrouter.ko module and contrail-vrouter-dpdk binary, which can be found here.
The process for tungsten fabric can be found in tf-dev-env repository, which can be found here.
curl -Lo
chmod +x ./
echo "nightly" >/contrail_version
git clone /vrouter_src/
#!/bin/bash -x
# these next folders must be mounted to compile vrouter.ko in ubuntu: /usr/src /lib/modules
export CONTAINER_LOG_DIR=${CONTAINER_LOG_DIR:-${LOG_DIR}/vrouter-kernel-build-init}
touch "$log_file"
chmod 600 $log_file
exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")
echo "INFO: =================== $(date) ==================="
echo "INFO: Compiling vrouter kernel module for ubuntu..."
current_kver=`uname -r`
echo "INFO: Detected kernel version is $current_kver"
if [ ! -f "/contrail_version" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: There is no version specified in /contrail_version file. Exiting..."
exit 1
contrail_version="$(cat /contrail_version)"
echo "INFO: use vrouter version $contrail_version"
mkdir -p $vrouter_dir
cp -ap /vrouter_src/. ${vrouter_dir}/
chmod -R 755 ${vrouter_dir}
rm -rf /vrouter_src
mkdir -p /vrouter/${contrail_version}/build/include/
mkdir -p /vrouter/${contrail_version}/build/dp-core
mkdir -p /lib/modules/$current_kver/updates/dkms
echo "INFO: run build for current kernel $current_kver"
cd /usr/src/vrouter-"${contrail_version}"
./utils/dkms/ "${contrail_version}" /vrouter/"${contrail_version}"/build
make -d -C . KERNELDIR=/lib/modules/$current_kver/build &>> $log_file
cp vrouter.* /lib/modules/$current_kver/updates/dkms/
kernel_modules=$(ls /lib/modules)
for kver in $kernel_modules ; do
if [[ $kver != $current_kver ]]; then
echo "INFO: run builds for kernel $kver"
mkdir -p /lib/modules/$kver/updates/dkms
make -d -C . KERNELDIR=/lib/modules/$kver/build &>> $log_file
cp vrouter.* /lib/modules/$kver/updates/dkms/
depmod -a
echo "INFO: check built modules:"
find /lib/modules/ | grep vrouter
echo "INFO: check vrouter.ko was built for current kernel"
ls -l /lib/modules/$current_kver/updates/dkms/vrouter.ko || exit 1
touch $vrouter_dir/module_compiled
# copy vif util to host
if [[ -d /host/bin && ! -f /host/bin/vif ]] ; then
/bin/cp -f /usr/bin/vif /host/bin/vif
chmod +x /host/bin/vif
# remove third-party folder
if [[ -d /root/contrail/third_party ]] ; then
rm -rf /root/contrail/third_party