成熟完备灵活的游戏配置解决方案(不仅仅是导表工具)。支持常见的excel、json、xml、lua、yaml等等数据格式;支持导出binary、protobuf(同时生成schema定义文件)、msgpack、flatbuffers、json、xml、yaml格式数据,支持c++、java、c#、go、lua、javascript、typescript、python、erlang、rust 等等语言代码,支持unity,ue4及tolua,xlua,slua,ilruntime,puerts等热更新插件;实现了完善的本地化机制。a powerful game configure export tool and code generator that supports many common file formats( excel, json, xml , lua, yaml etc.) and can generate code of common languages(c++, c#, java, go, lua, javascript, typescript, python, erlang, rust etc) and provides binary , json , protobuf,msgpack, flatbuffers, lua or erlang output data format and supports for i18n and l10n.
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