
A simple truco (truco mineiro) game, text-only made in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Before playing

If you're using windows, you should execute the following to allow support for the card symbols. This will mantain compatibility between program set of symbols and your console (and keep the game playable).

chcp 65001

This is a temporary change, don't worry. This will change you set of characters to UTF-8.


  • Show friendly messages for both the entire game and each match
  • Redesign control flow to support other functionalities
  • Add other truco functionalities (e.g. ask for truco, hide card)
  • Create distinct and sharable interfaces for truco state and MCTS nodes
  • Fix other minor bugs
  • Create CPU "AI" (something better than random decision)
  • Improve truco and hidding decision (AI independent)

TODO Details

  • ReCreate state manager to control player to move, tentos, truco asking and others to allow control and copying of the state for futurre ismcts functions

  • Create a "last-asking-player" property on truco state that sinalizes which player has asked truco last, to block or allow a player to ask truco next

  • Limit asking truco if stake will end beyond limit of 12

  • Deal with truco 3 possibilities (deny, accept, retruco)