The Holonforth IDE's are cross-development systems. Using the Host/Target concept usually applied to embedded systems. The host develops into the target application via an umbilical (tethered) connection.
A Holonforth-DOS system is a host in application development. But the systems have themselves been developed as targets of Holon86 - including Holon86 itself (since the day when Holonforth was on its own).
Holonforth IDE's are devoted to a specific application. For a new project you create a copy of the Holon-system (86, 11, J or X) and give it the name of the project or application. The IDE stores the state of development and restarts with the project exactly as you left it. You can continue to develop immediately.
The repo includes the four projects Host86, Host11, HostJ and HostX that created the IDE's. They contain and display the source of the Holonforth systems.
Develop umbilically from DOS to a DOS application
IDE for 68HC11 targets
Forth to JVM IDE
Compiles Forth to JVM code - Write Java programs in Forth.
A universal source code handler and refactoring browser with change control (validation).
These systems run in Windows XP and earlier
and in a DOSBox everywhere