
BIOM file upload brings out error

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I finally managed to create a .biom file from my PacBio Dataset using their QIIME2 workflow. However when I try uploading it into animalcules it brings out this error (attached image).
Screenshot 2023-10-11 165746

I finally managed to create a .biom file from my PacBio Dataset using their QIIME2 workflow. However when I try uploading it into animalcules it brings out this error (attached image). Screenshot 2023-10-11 165746

PS: This is the error shown in the R terminal.

Warning in strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n") :
unable to translate 'lexical error: invalid char in json text.
<89>HDF � (right here) ------^
' to a wide string
Warning in strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n") :
input string 1 is invalid

So I managed to fix this... Though turns out it wasn't really an issue.
I just didn't have the metadata added to my .biom file. It finally worked after adding it to it using the biom add-metadata -h function in qiime2.
More information can be found on .