
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The for-pickup web-app


npm install

npm start

npm run stage

npm run test-server

npm deploy

Git model

We use the following branch conventions to ensure the stability of the codebase.


This is a long-living branch off of master where active development work gets merged in via feature/, refactor/, or chore/ branches. Do not commit to this branch directly.


This is a long-living branch that only contains production-ready code. Stable work should be merged into this branch from develop when that it is release-ready. Urgent work may be merged in via hotfix/ branches. To prepare a release: bump the version number using npm version major/minor/patch.


Create a temporary feature/your-feature-name branch off of develop whenever you want to submit work through the normal release cycle. Your branch lives for as long as it takes for the feature to be complete enough to merge into develop, at which point you should rebase develop one final time, merge into develop, then delete your branch. You can then follow the normal release process for master.


Create a temporary hotfix/your-urgent-matter branch when an urgent fix needs to be released without merging the code in develop. Merge this branch back into master when ready, follow the normal release process, then back-merge the hotfix into develop.


General maintenance to architecture, dependencies, or files like the README.md should happen on a temporary chore/your-tedious-task branch off of develop or master. Use the appropriate process for merging a feature/ or hotfix/ if you branched off of develop or master respectively.


Refactoring or rewriting production code should happen on a temporary refactor/your-refactoring-focus branch off of develop. Use the appropriate process for merging a feature when you're ready, and follow the normal release process. Update the version as a patch.