
Management of proposals, bios, photos, etc. for conference speakers.

Primary LanguagePHP


Codeship Status for tightenco/symposium Scrutinizer Quality Score SensioLabsInsight Stories in Ready

A web app for conference speakers to track talks, bios, and conferences. Free, available online at Symposiumapp.com.

A fun side project by some lovely folks at Tighten Co..

Additional resources



  1. (Optionally) Fork this repository

  2. Clone the repository locally

  3. Install dependencies with composer install

  4. Copy .env.example to .env and modify its contents to reflect your local environment.

  5. Run database migrations. If you want to include seed data, add a --seed flag.

    php artisan migrate --env=local
  6. Configure a web server, such as the built-in PHP web server, to use the public directory as the document root.

    php -S localhost:8080 -t public
  7. Run tests with composer test.