
This library is still in alpha phase. this means that the API still constantly changing.

Primary LanguageC#

Weknow Cypher Builder Beta.

Build & Deploy NuGet



Cypher Builder aim to be developer friendly library for cypher query. It bring as match intellisense & cypher correction as it can while keeping the Cypher expression readable and well documented.

When this library evolve over time, we consider:

  • Source code generation which will provide a type-safe parameters
  • Analyzer which will recommend best practice


var n = Variables.Create();
var Id = Parameters.Create();
CypherCommand cypher = _(() => Match(N(n, Person & Manager, new { Id }))


MATCH (n:Person:Manager {{ Id: $Id }}) RETURN n

var items = Parameters.Create();
var n = Variables.Create();
var map = Variables.Create<Foo>();

CypherCommand cypher = _(() =>
                        Unwind(items, map,
                        Merge(N(n, Person, new { map.__.Id, map.__.Name }))
                        .OnCreateSet(n, map)
                        cfg => cfg.Naming.Convention = CypherNamingConvention.SCREAMING_CASE);


UNWIND $items AS map
MERGE (n:me1.Member.Name {{ Id: map.Id, Name: map.Name }})
  ON CREATE SET n = map

Note: The label Person become me1.Member.Name because of the SCREAMING_CASE convention

GraphDb Client

Make your first insert

  1. Define a schema
public ILabel Person => throw new NotImplementedException();
public IType Follow => throw new NotImplementedException();

Yes, we believe in schema 😃

  1. Create entity class/record.
[Dictionaryable(Flavor = Flavor.Neo4j)]
private partial record Person(string name, int age);

Node: [Dictionaryable] is using Weknow.Mapping.Generation.SrcGen in order to generate serialization code out of record Person.

  1. Write a Cypher query.
var map = Parameters.Create<PersonEntity>();

CypherCommand cypher = _(user =>
                        Create(N(user, Person, map)));

Produce: CREATE (user:Person $map)

  1. To execute the query, you can use GraphDb Client.
CypherParameters prms = cypher.Parameters
                              .AddOrUpdate(nameof(map), new Person("Nina", 76));
await _graphDB.RunAsync(cypher, prms);

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