aggregating peaks without 10x feature linkage
jhong26 opened this issue · 2 comments
I am analyzing 10x multiome data and looking to aggregate macs2 called peaks so I cannot use the 10x-generated feature_linkage.bedpe file to aggregate peaks. As suggested in a previous post, I plan to use cicero to link peaks to other peaks. However, the 10x feature linkage file also identifies peak-gene links combining with gene expression data from scRNAseq. I wonder if I should combine peak-peak links from cicero with gene-peak links from Signac (LinkPeaks) or Archr (addPeak2GeneLinks) to feed into the MultiVelo's aggregate peaks function. Or should I just use the peak-peak links from cicero?
Thank you,
Hi. All the above approaches are valid solutions. The second approach can boost the ATAC signal a little bit more. You can create a custom feature_linkage file combining the peak-peak and peak-gene or gene-peak links and run the aggregate peaks function. Because I have actually never used these functions myself, it may be worth checking the quality and confidence of the gene-peak links and then manually setting a threshold for cutoff.