Machine Learning Crash Course Book Club

This repo contains a work-in-progress curriculum for a machine learning book club at Code Climate. It is based around Google's machine learning crash course.

Week 1: Pre-Requisites

Before we meet

During meeting

  • Discuss pandas library and review the exercises
  • Discuss TensorFlow basics and review the exercises
  • Work through as a group the exercises from Creating and Manipulating Tensors

Week 2: Intro to ML, Framing, Descending into ML

Before we meet

During meeting

Week 3: Reducing Loss

Before we meet

  • [OPTIONAL] Review the content that will be discussed during the meeting

During meeting

Week 4: First Steps with TF, Generalization, Training and Test Sets

Before meeting

During meeting

Week 5: Validation

During meeting

Week 6: Representation

During meeting

Week 7: Feature Crosses

During meeting

Week 8: Regularization for Simplicity, Logistic Regression

During meeting

Week 9: Classification

During meeting