
This is a question-and-answer website written with Python 3 + Django 3.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a question-and-answer website where questions are asked and answered by users.

The project was created for educational purposes. The project took its start in a course Web Technologies made by Mail.ru Group.


  • Question/answer [create, delete]
  • Registration
  • Ajax pagination


  1. Clone or download the repository.

  2. Create virtual environment and install requirements from requirements.txt.

  3. Make migrations and migrate.

    python manage.py makemigrations

    python manage.py migrate

  4. Go to data/ folder and run load_data.sh script.

    The script feeds initial data from data/ to sqlite database.

  5. Run Django server with command python manage.py runserver.

    Now you can open the site by link

Directories and files

├── ask/			# Django project
│   ├── ask/			# Configuration package	
│   └── qa/ 		   # Django application
├── data/			# Initial data for database
├── .env            # Environment variables
└── ...
