
Step 1: Create a Federated Identity in Cognito

This sample requires Cognito to authorize to AWS IoT in order to access device shadows. Use Amazon Cognito to create a new identity pool:

  • Head to Cognito and click on 'Manage Federated Identities'
  • Click 'Create New Identity Pool'
  • Give your Identity Pool a name and click 'Enable access to unauthenticated identities'
  • Click 'Create Pool'
  • Click 'Allow' to access your user Roles and click 'Allow' again to use the default Auth and Unauth roles.
  • Go back to your Identity Pool and click 'Sample Code'
  • Take note of your Identity Pool Id and Region

Step 2: Consumer IoT Endpoint

  • Using the AWS CLI type the command 'aws iot describe-endpoint'

Step 3: Edit and strings.xml

  • Import the AWS-IoT-Neopixel-Android project into Android Studio
  • Edit the /utils/ file and fill in your Consumer Specific Endpoint, Identity Pool Id, and Region
  • Edit the /res/strings.xml and create a new entry for each device in your AWS IoT console