Use any app with QDLink on the proton x50 during drive without restriction (bypass).
You can directly download it from
We use APK-tool to unpack the orignal APK file by You can get APK-tool from d QDLink.xxxxx.apk
After decompile, you will get alot of smali code. The rest of the files are not useful to us. we can ignore them and we are only interested on file. The logic of the legal app and non-legal app are as
the application will call replyLegalChangeNew function with parameter 0 if the app is not legal. the application will call replyLegalChangeNew function with parameter 1 if the app is legal. we just need to make everything to have 1 as their parameter for app to be rendered like below.
feel free to explore yourself and if you have any question, please create an issue. I will reply if i have time. :D
- Retreive the headunit qdlink apk for more exploring.
- Make qdlink to show fullscreen for more resolution optimization.