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Slideworks - Front-end - Test

Screen aplication

📌 Table of Content

👷 How to use

To run the application, make sure you have installed the Node.

Once the Node has been downloaded, it is now necessary to download the packages and libraries needed to run the application, for that:

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Enter the project folder
$ cd slideworks-frontend-test

Execute the command,

# your_path\slideworks-frontend-test>
$ npm install

This command will download all dependencies to run the project React.

Finally, in the same terminal, do

# your_path\slideworks-frontend-test>
$ npm run dev

Once you have received the message:

VITE v3.0.4  ready in 2085 ms

 ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
 ➜  Network: use --host to expose

Once the message has been received, simply open the address in your browser: http://localhost:5173/

💻 Languages and Tools used

Regarding the technologies and tools used in the project, the following are listed:

React.js typescript Tailwind_CSS_Logo mantine mantine

And to deploy the project was used the Vercel.

