
Try make Angular + Rails app

To Deploy:


  • Level 1

  • Create page for single object example http://localhost/mission/267

    • Create route with param
    • TODO: How to read the param from route at mission controller ?
  • Level 2

  • Listener do Rails Websocket(to do) for aler some page update

  • Add API version "v1" in routes

  • Rails validations response to Angular Frontend (Ex:")

  • Create general "helpers" in Angular to diggest error responses from Rails REST

  • Rails Nested Attributes with Angular

  • Sync pages on all clients before update

  • Dual List Box for for add elements

  • Create: Astronauts, SpaceStation

  • Add ways to add Astronauts to Missions and Space Station

  • Angular Material Design: I need study

  • Create methods and virtual attributes on backend (Rails).

  • Create ways to call the Rails virtual atributes and methods from Angular like buttons

  • Sublime Tips, ways to promgamming more fast.

  • Way to use Rails Relationships at Angular Frontend