Try make Angular + Rails app
To Deploy:
Run "rails s" at backend
Run "gulp serve" at frontend
Level 1
Create page for single object example http://localhost/mission/267
- Create route with param
- TODO: How to read the param from route at mission controller ?
Level 2
Listener do Rails Websocket(to do) for aler some page update
Add API version "v1" in routes
Rails validations response to Angular Frontend (Ex:")
Create general "helpers" in Angular to diggest error responses from Rails REST
Rails Nested Attributes with Angular
Sync pages on all clients before update
Dual List Box for for add elements
Create: Astronauts, SpaceStation
Add ways to add Astronauts to Missions and Space Station
Angular Material Design: I need study
Create methods and virtual attributes on backend (Rails).
Create ways to call the Rails virtual atributes and methods from Angular like buttons
Sublime Tips, ways to promgamming more fast.
Way to use Rails Relationships at Angular Frontend