
Android application for overview of repositories and their open issues created for study purposes

Primary LanguageKotlin



This app provides an overview about a GitHub's public repository.


  • Dashboard screen with watchers, subscribers, forks and opened issues count
  • List screen of recent issues with issue title and status
  • Issue details screen with user and created at date
  • About screen with title, description and link of the repo


Clone this repository and import into Android Studio

git clone git@github.com:wellingtonrib/github_repo.git


You can customize the repo in AppConfig class. If you reach the GitHub Api limits per IP, so you need to a ACCESS_TOKEN Create a new one in: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new Create keystore.properties with the following info:


Next steps

  • Improve state view management
  • Increase test coverage and report
  • Make all offline-first
  • Use new android components (Paginate, Hilt and Compose)


This project is mantained by: