
It's a challenge created by Interlink with the aim of evaluate the developer skills and code quality when transforming a layout in a functional prototype, along with the backend and frontend properly separated.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Interlink - React Challenge


It's a challenge created by Interlink with the aim of evaluate the developer skills and code quality when transforming a layout in a functional prototype, along with the backend and frontend properly separated.

The application consists on a landing page capable of generating a functional, shortened link based on an input of a URL.


Run in Insomnia}

Execution process

Clone the project using the following command in terminal

git clone https://github.com/wellingtonsa/url-shortener.git

Enter into 'project' folder and execute the following commands to install all dependencies/libraries


cd project/server

npm install // or yarn install


cd project/web-application

npm install // or yarn install

Finally, you can run the following commands:

  • yarn dev - For run the project
  • yarn test - For run the tests (backend only)

Main utilized tools


  • Node.js

    Some technologies, languages and libraries utilized:

  • Typescript

  • Express

  • MongoDB

  • Mongoose

  • Absolute paths

  • ESlint

  • Prittier

  • Jest


  • React.js

    Some technologies, languages and libraries utilized:

  • Hooks

  • Styled Components

  • Typescript

  • Lottie

  • Absolute paths

  • ESlint

  • Prittier


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