My Memory Journal (Timeline App)

A Journal Application designed currently for online entries to Add and Recall life events.


  • Landing Page

    • Login
    • Create an account
      • Username (Whatever the user wants to be addressed by)
      • Password (Unique Password required)
      • Email Address (Unique email for password recover / Email Varificaiton)
    • Password Recovery
      • Future feature not available during development (coming soon)
  • Main View

    • Greeting message
    • New Entry (Button w/ route)
      • Entry Date
      • Photo URL (future feature will be a file upload)
      • Add Entry (1000 allow charactors w/ counter)
    • Timeline Bar (Development will be a list of dates, timeline future feature)
      • Date Bar (Link w/ route)
        • Single Entry View
          • Update (Information Pre-filled with prior info)
            • Entry Date
            • Photo URL
            • Entry
          • Delete (Deletes the single entry by id)
  • About

    • Information description about the reason for the app / pitch
  • Contact Us

    • For contacting admins for account issues.
    • Simple pre-pop email link for support.
    • Additional features in later release(s)
      • Account Recovery / Lost or Forgot Password
  • Profile

    • Displays username and email
      • Will be used for changing profile information in the future
        • Username
        • Passwords
        • Email
  • Log Out

    • Routes back to Login

Project Work

Phase 1: Setup
    - Server Setup
    - Package Installation
        - Axios
        - Bcrypt
        - Dotenv
        - Express
        - Material UI
        - Momentjs
        - Node
        - Node Server JS
        - Passport
        - PG
        - React
        - Redux
        - Sweetalert2
    - Directory Structure
    - Route Structure / Setup
    - Route Testing (Postman)
    - Passport Setup

Phase 2: Development
    - Authentication / Authorization Testing
    - Page Skeleton Setup
    - Server configuration setups
    - Server Functionality Testing
    - Server Debugging
    - Basic Page Layout
    - Crud Performance Testing / Debugging
    - Basic / Minor CSS styling

Phase 3: (1st Stretch Goals)
    - Changed from Global to Single Entry View
    - Delete Re-Design for single entry deletion by id
    - Sweet Alerts
    - First Heroku Deployment

Phase 4: (2nd Stretch Goals)
    - Graphical Cleanup
    - Change Basic CSS to Material UI
    - Additional Restructure for client support
    - Extended Server / Page Testing and Debugging
    - 2.0 Heroku Deployment