- JDK 8+
$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Step 1. You must publish your spreadsheet to the web, using File -> Publish To Web
in your Google Spreadsheet.
Step 2. Copy <spreadsheetId>
from spreadsheet URL. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/<spreadsheetId>/edit#gid=0
Step 3. Access readable REST API using the /api
- spreadsheetId(required): The ID of your document. This is the big long aplha-numeric code in the middle of your document URL.
- sheetNumber(optional): The number of the individual sheet you want to get data from. Your first sheet is 1, your second sheet is 2, etc. If no sheet is entered then 1 is the default.
"columns": {
"country": [
"South Korea",
"city": [
"rows": [
"country": "South Korea",
"city": "Seoul"
"country": "China",
"city": "Beijing"
"country": "Japan",
"city": "Tokyo"