
Primary LanguageObjective-C

IPD Homework 7: Hexapawn

  • Due: Tuesday, November 27 at 11:59 PM


For this homework, you will write an interactive program implementing the two-player abstract strategy game Hexapawn.


To design a whole program from scratch, while maintaining good style and logical factoring.


The rules of Hexapawn are available in the Hexapawn Wikipedia article, and your program should implement these rules.

Unlike traditional 3×3 Hexapawn, your game should support board dimensions from 3×3 to 8×8. Changing a dimension should be as easy as changing a constant (or you can integrate dimension selection into your UI).

You must implement a graphical user interface, using the [ge211] library. At each turn, your game should display the state of the board and somehow indicate which player’s turn it is. (I’ve indicated that below by rotating the board so that the player who is moving is at the bottom, moving up; you could indicate it another way, though.) The UI should then allow the player to select a move. Here is an example of what that display might look like (approximated textually) for a 5×3 game, when it is the player B’s turn:

ge211: https://tov.github.io/ge211/

| W |   | W | W | W |
|   | W |   |   |   |
| B | B | B | B | B |

At this point, the player B can move by first clicking which piece to move, and then clicking where to move it to.

When a player wins, either by reaching the other side or leaving the other player with no available moves, a messages to this effect should be displayed, and it should not be possible to make further moves.


Your deliverables are:

  • The source code of the hexapawn program as described above.

  • Automated tests for your model. (You do not needs tests for the view and controller.)

  • A plain text file EVALUATION.md (which can use Markdown formatting if you like) in which you describe the design of your program. In particular please discuss, briefly:

    • how you tested your programs to ensure correctness and

    • anything that surprised you while doing this assignment.

    When discussing your code, please provide file and line number references.

How to submit

Please submit a ZIP or TAR archive of your whole project. Your project should build in CLion using the configuration in CMakeLists.txt. Before creating the archive, be sure to clean your project (Run menu / Clean).