
Ref: The slides from Rolf Schwitter, Carla P. Gomes, Bing Liu, KAU, David Page, and Paul Kennedy

Training and testing - I


Exercise -I

  • Use "segment‐challenge.arff" as training set and "segment‐test.arff" as test set;
  • Choose KNN with default K value;
  • Output the accuracy;
  • Evaluate on the training set.

Training and testing - Continuing


Exercise -II

  • Load "segment‐challenge.arff";
  • 70% of "segment‐challenge.arff" is used as training set with the rest as test set;
  • Choose KNN with default K value;
  • Output the accuracy;
  • Evaluate on the training set.

Exercise -III

  • Which feature(s) has the highest impact on the "Friendly"?
  • Data source "Rabbit_Sydney_Data".
  • What else knowledge do you discover via Weka?