Billomat API


Used to retrive data from and change it for your individual Application.



  • Param: string

Description: This is your billomID which you use to login in your right Domain


  • Param: string

Description: This is the billomat API Key. Here you can find how to activate your API Key under the Headline Authentication. Here you can find it


  • Param: boolen
  • Default: TRUE

Description: Output data in JSON-Object, false otherwise for XML-Object. Also you can use NULL to output data in HTML.


Param: boolen Default: FALSE

Converts the dataobject if "TRUE" to Array. Use "NULL" for get HTML header.


Notice: not yet ready for usage

  • Param: boolen
  • Defaul: FALSE

Description: If true the request is done by socket, otherwise by curl.

Usage Example

Now take a look how we retrive Data from the "billomat API" we choose for this example to get all our Clients

    require_once 'billowrap.php';

    $bmId = 'YourBillomatID'; // this is your billomatID you use to login
    $bmApiKey = 'YourApiKey'; // the API Key you will got it from billomat settings check the explanation
    $dataType = true; // Set to true, to output JSON Object, false otherwise for XML Object
    $convertData = false; // Convert the JSON or XML data to Array, false otherwise for not converting the object 

    $billoWrap = new billoWrap($bmId, $bmApiKey, $dataType, $convertData);

Read Method for special data or List all.

Datatype will be which you set in the param 'dataType' (look the description of variable $dataType):

    $id = 12345; // the id for special Client you want to show

	// Output all data from Client output will be which you deside in $dataType
    $singleData = $billoWrap->getSingleClient($id); 

	// Output all data from Client
    $allData = $billoWrap->getAllClients(); 

Adding Method for a special data:

    // string for datatransfer you are using JSON or XML which you predefined on dataType for reques type data
    $data = '{
        "client" : {
            "first_name"    : "Max",
            "last_name"     : "Mustermann"

Edit Method for a data:

    // special client id integer
    $clientID = 1234;
    // send data which you want to edit same es add for dataType
    $data = '{
        "client" : {
            "first_name"    : "Mustermann",
            "last_name"     : "Max"
    $billoWrap->editClient($clientID, $data);

Delete Method for deleting the data:

    $clientID = 1234;
    // just say which client id you want to delete and it is done


billoWrap 1.0.11

  • Added Comments to all methods
  • Updated wording of all methods from ...ReminderText() to ...Reminder()

billoWrap 1.0.7

  • Debuged the PUT HTTP header doesn´t send the datafields that´s why edit methods didn´t work
  • Updated Doku for version 1.0.6

billoWrap 1.0.6

  • Added all possible constant resource
  • Added HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Added all possible for adding
  • Added all possible for editing
  • Added all possible for deleting
  • Corrected wrong conventions of methods

billoWrap 1.0.5

  • Added all resources that exist in Billomat - API only for reading, not yet ready filterfunction, POST, PUT and DELETE
  • Function name conventions were changed example for list of clients getAllClients() ans example for getting a single client getSingleClient(1234)

billoWrap 1.0.0

  • Uploaded File