This repository contains the material of the Demo held at Ubuntu Summit 2023 for Charmed Spark.
The demo is broken into 4 stages:
- Setup
- Develop
- Integration with other applications: Charmed Kafka
- Monitor
- Ubuntu 22.04
To carry out this demo, we will need a few components that needs to be installed.
sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.28-strict/stable
sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage dns rbac storage minio
IPADDR=$(ip -4 -j route get | jq -r '.[] | .prefsrc')
sudo microk8s enable metallb:$IPADDR-$IPADDR
sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
mkdir -p ~/.kube
sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s ubuntu
sudo chown -R ubuntu ~/.kube
newgrp snap_microk8s
microk8s config > ~/.kube/config
MicroK8s will be used for deploying Spark workload locally.
sudo snap install docker
sudo addgroup --system docker
sudo adduser $USER docker
sudo snap disable docker
sudo snap enable docker
Docker will be used to access the Jupyter notebook.
sudo snap install juju --channel 3.1/stable
The Juju CLI will be used for interacting with the Juju controller for managing services via charmed operators.
sudo snap install spark-client --channel 3.4/edge
The spark-client
Snap provides a number of utilities to manage Spark service accounts as well
starting Spark job on a K8s cluster.
Once all the components are installed, we then need to set up a S3 bucket and copy the relevant data inside the bucket.
To make sure that MinIO is up and running, you can run the script:
That should output that the service is up and running and provide you with the endpoints and the credentials (access key and access secret).
You can also access to the MinIO Web UI by fetching the IP of the service related to the UI:
MINIO_UI_IP=$(kubectl get svc microk8s-console -n minio-operator -o yaml | yq .spec.clusterIP)
The data from this repository.
and script
, that will be used in this demo.
In order to do so, you can use the Python scripts bundled in this repository for creating and setting up (e.g. copying the files needed for the demo) the S3 bucket
python scripts/ \
--action create setup \
--access-key $ACCESS_KEY \
--secret-key $SECRET_KEY \
--endpoint $S3_ENDPOINT \
--bucket $S3_BUCKET
You can now create the Spark service account on the K8s cluster that will be used to run the
Spark workloads. The services will be created via the spark-client.service-account-registry
as spark-client
will provide enhanced features to run your Spark jobs seamlessly integrated
with the other parts of the Charmed Spark solution.
For instance, spark-client
allows you to bind your service account a hierarchical set of
configurations that will be used when submitting Spark jobs.
For instance, in this demo we will use S3 bucket to fetch and store data.
Spark settings are specified in a configuration file and can be fed into the service account creation command (that also handles the parsing of environment variables specified in the configuration file), e.g.
kubectl create namespace spark
spark-client.service-account-registry create \
--username spark --namespace spark \
--properties-file ./confs/s3.conf
You can find more information about the hierarchical set of configurations
and how to manage Spark service account via spark-client
That's it! You are now ready to use Spark!
Charmed Spark offers several ways to interact with a Spark cluster:
- Jupyter notebook integrated in the Charmed Spark Rock image
- Submit jobs with the
- Interact with the Pyspark shell or Scala shell
It is always very convenient when you are either exploring some data or doing some first development to use Jupyter notebook, assisted with a user-friendly and interactive environment where you can mix python (together with plots) and markdown code.
To start a Jupyter notebook server that provides a binding to Spark already integrated in your notebooks, you can run the Charmed Spark OCI image
docker run --name charmed-spark --rm \
-v $HOME/.kube/config:/var/lib/spark/.kube/config \
-v $(pwd):/var/lib/spark/notebook/repo \
-p 8080:8888 \ \
\; start jupyter
It is important for the image to have access to the Kubeconfig file (in order to fetch the
Spark configuration via the spark-client
CLI) as well as the local notebooks directory to access
to the notebook already provided.
When the image is up and running, you can navigate with your browser to
You can now either start a new notebook or use the one provided in ./notebooks/Demo.ipynb
As you start a new notebook, you will already have a SparkContext
and a SparkSession
defined by two variables, sc
and spark
> sc
Spark UI
Version v3.4.1
Master k8s://
AppName PySparkShell
In fact, the notebook (running locally on Docker) acts as driver, and it spawns executor pods on Kubernetes. This can be confirmed by running
kubectl get pod -n spark
which should output something like
pysparkshell-79b4df8ad74ab7da-exec-1 1/1 Running 0 5m31s
pysparkshell-79b4df8ad74ab7da-exec-2 1/1 Running 0 5m29s
Beside running Jupyter notebooks, the spark-client
SNAP also allow you to submit Python
scripts/job. In this case, we recommend you to run both driver and executor in kubernetes.
Therefore, the python program needs to be uploaded to a location that can be reached by the pods,
such that it can be downloaded by the driver to be executed.
The setup of the S3 bucket above should have already uploaded the data and the script to
and scripts/
Therefore, you should be able to run
spark-client.spark-submit \
--username spark --namespace spark \
--deploy-mode cluster \
s3a://$S3_BUCKET/scripts/ \
--input s3a://$S3_BUCKET/data/data.csv.gz \
--output s3a://$S3_BUCKET/data/output_report_microk8s
Last but not least, the spark-client
SNAP offers the possibily to open an interactive shell in which a user can type and shell the results of their computation.
spark-client.spark-shell \
--username spark --namespace spark
Now we can start typing commands in an interactive way.
import scala.math.random
val slices = 100
val n = math.min(100000L * slices, Int.MaxValue).toInt
val count = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 until n, slices).map { i => val x = random * 2 - 1; val y = random * 2 - 1; if (x*x + y*y <= 1) 1 else 0;}.reduce(_ + _)
println(s"Pi is roughly ${4.0 * count / (n - 1)}")
First create a fresh Juju model to be used as a workspace for spark-streaming experiments.
juju add-model spark-streaming
Deploy the Zookeeper and the Kafka k8s-charms. Single units should be enough.
juju deploy zookeeper-k8s --series=jammy --channel=edge
juju deploy kafka-k8s --series=jammy --channel=edge
juju relate kafka-k8s zookeeper-k8s
Deploy a test producer application, to write messages to Kafka.
juju deploy kafka-test-app --series=jammy --channel=edge --config role=producer --config topic_name=spark-streaming-store --config num_messages=1000
juju relate kafka-test-app kafka-k8s
In order to consume these messages, credentials are required to establish a connection between Spark and Kafka.
We need to setup the Juju data-integrator module, which perform credential retrieval as shown below.
juju deploy data-integrator --series=jammy --channel=edge --config extra-user-roles=consumer,admin --config topic-name=spark-streaming-store
juju relate data-integrator kafka-k8s
juju run-action data-integrator/0 get-credentials --wait
Now we can get credentials for the data-integrator:
USERNAME=$(juju run data-integrator/0 get-credentials --format=json | yq .data-integrator/0.results.kafka.username)
PASSWORD=$(juju run data-integrator/0 get-credentials --format=json | yq .data-integrator/0.results.kafka.password)
Now we can setup service account in this namespace:
spark-client.service-account-registry create \
--username spark --namespace spark-streaming \
--properties-file ./confs/s3.conf
and submit the job that uses Spark streaming apis:
spark-client.spark-submit \
--username spark --namespace spark-streaming \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
--conf spark.jars.ivy=/tmp \
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.4.1,org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.4.1 \
s3a://$S3_BUCKET/scripts/ \
--kafka-username $USERNAME \
--kafka-password $PASSWORD
script looks like the following:
import argparse
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
from json import loads
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--username", "-u",
help="The username to authenticate to Kafka",
parser.add_argument("--password", "-p",
help="The password to authenticate to Kafka",
args = parser.parse_args()
lines = spark.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafka-k8s-0.kafka-k8s-endpoints:9092") \
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "SCRAM-SHA-512") \
.option("", "SASL_PLAINTEXT") \
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", f' required username="{username} password={password};') \
.option("subscribe", "spark-streaming-store") \
.option("includeHeaders", "true") \
get_origin = udf(lambda x: loads(x)["origin"])
w_count = lines.withColumn("origin", get_origin(col("value"))).select("origin").groupBy("origin").count()
query = w_count \
.writeStream \
.outputMode("complete") \
.format("console") \
Logs of driver and executors are by default stored on the pod local file system, and are therefore lost once the jobs finishes. However, Spark allows us to store these logs into S3, such that they can be re-read and visualized by the Spark History Server, allowing to monitor and visualise the information and metrics about the job execution.
To enable monitoring, we should therefore
- Configure the Spark service account to provide configuration for Spark jobs to store logs in a S3 bucket
- Deploy the Spark History Server with Juju, configuring it to read from the same bucket
The configuration needed for storing logs on the S3 bucket can be appended to the already existing ones with the following command
spark-client.service-account-registry add-config \
--username spark --namespace spark \
--properties-file ./confs/spark-monitoring.conf
First of all, you need to register the K8s cluster in Juju with
juju add-k8s spark-cluster
You then need to bootstrap a Juju controller responsible for managing your services
juju bootstrap spark-cluster
First, add a new model/namespace where to deploy the History Server related charms
juju add-model history-server
You can now deploy all the charms required by the History Server, using the provided bundle (but replacing the environment variable)
juju deploy spark-history-server-k8s -n1 --channel 3.4/stable
juju deploy s3-integrator -n1 --channel edge
juju config s3-integrator bucket=$S3_BUCKET path="spark-events" endpoint=$S3_ENDPOINT
the s3-integrator
needs to be correctly configured by providing the S3 credentials, e.g.
juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials \
access-key=$ACCESS_KEY secret-key=$SECRET_KEY
After the setup of the keys we can now relate the two charms.
juju relate s3-integrator spark-history-server-k8s
Apply the configuration settings needed to enable the Spark history server:
spark-client.service-account-registry add-config \
--username spark --namespace spark \
--properties-file ./confs/spark-history-server.conf
Run a sample jobs and now you can check the logs in the history-server at the port 18080.
The Charmed Spark solution comes with the spark-metrics exporter embedded in the Charmed Spark OCI image, used as base for driver and executors pods . This exporter is designed to push metrics to the prometheus pushgateway, that is integrated with the Canonical Observability Stack.
In order to enable the observability on Charmed Spark two steps are necessary:
- Setup the Observability bundle with juju
- Configure the Spark service account
As a prerequisite, you need to have Juju 3 installed with a MicroK8s controller bootstrapped. This can be done following this tutorial.
As a first step, start by deploying cos-lite bundle in a Kubernetes environment with Juju.
juju add-model cos
juju switch cos
juju deploy cos-lite --trust
Some extra charms are needed to integrate the Charmed Spark with the Observability bundle. This includes the prometheus-pushgateway-k8s
charm and the cos-configuration-k8s grafana
that is used to configure the Grafana dashboard. We provide a basic dashboard here.
juju deploy prometheus-pushgateway-k8s --channel edge
# deploy cos configuration charm to import the grafana dashboard
juju deploy cos-configuration-k8s \
--config git_repo= \
--config git_branch=dashboard \
--config git_depth=1 \
--config grafana_dashboards_path=dashboards/prod/grafana/
# relate cos-configration charm to import grafana dashboard
juju relate cos-configuration-k8s grafana
juju relate prometheus-pushgateway-k8s prometheus
This allows to configure a custom scraping interval that prometheus will used to retrieve the exposed metrics.
Eventually, you will need to retrive the credentials for logging into the Grafana dashboard, by using the following action:
juju run grafana/leader get-admin-password
Get address of the prometheus pushgateway.
export PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY=$(juju status --format=yaml | yq ".applications.prometheus-pushgateway-k8s.address")
To enable the push of metrics you only need to add the following lines as configuration to a spark-client
configuration file (e.g., spark-monitoring.conf
Running Charmed Spark on Microk8s is bounded to your local envinroment resources. To do so it will be possible to run Charmed Spark on AWS EKS. We don't have time to tackle this on this demo but we have a nice demostration running at the 2023 Operator Day.
First destroy the Juju model and controller
juju destroy-controller --force --no-wait \
--destroy-all-models \
--destroy-storage spark-cluster
Finally, you can also remove the S3-bucket that was used during the demo via the provided Python script
python scripts/ \
--action delete \
--access-key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY \
--secret-key $AWS_SECRET_KEY \
--endpoint $AWS_S3_ENDPOINT \
--bucket $AWS_S3_BUCKET