A file uploader built with Python, Flask, and uWSGI, based on https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/patterns/fileuploads/
- Metadata Purging: Removes metadata from uploaded files (except color profile and orientation).
- Space Optimization: Losslessly compresses PNG and other file formats using optipng.
- JPEG Compression: Integrates Dropbox's Lepton for lossless JPEG compression, saving approximately 22% of space.
- Filename Handling: Generates random URL/filenames using temporary files, or secures user-requested filenames if provided.
- Upload Size Limit: Enforces a predefined maximum size limit for each uploaded file.
- Extension Control: Restricts uploads to only allow specific file extensions.
- Authentication: Requires a password to be included in the cURL request for uploading files.
- URL Response: Returns the URL pointing to the successfully uploaded file.
- Python 3
- Flask
- optipng
- Dropbox's Lepton
This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.