
RSS feed based video player for iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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RSS feed based YouTube video player for iOS

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Add Videos to watch them later or follow YouTube channels!

Available on the App Store for free: Download.


The Queue

No autoplay, no alorithmic bottomless feed. Just the Videos queued up in the order you want to.

Follow Channels or Playlist

Automatically add new videos


Choose where new videos of from each channel should end up. Directly on top of the queue, or in your inbox to sort through them. Pick the best, leave the rest.

Sick of #shorts?

Hide them all.

Custom Playback Speed Per Channel

Set custom speeds for any channel. Want to watch trailers in 1x and podcasts in 2x? You can.

Chapter Support

Jump to any chapter or pick and choose a few to watch while skipping the rest.


  • Picture-in-Picture (+ Background Audio)
  • Drag and drop videos & channel urls
  • Add Video Shortcut
  • Continuous play
  • Notifications
  • Sleep Timer
  • Custom Themes
  • Directly Import YouTube Subscriptions
  • iCloud Sync


In order to build this project, you need to add a apiKey.swift file that contains a YouTube Data API Key. An apiKey.swift.example file is already in this project.
