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Boson Project Builders - Making Local

Copy of the Boson Project Buildpacks just to demonstrate how to make a builder in a local environment.

Change the builder.toml file to reference the images as tagged in a different container registry, i.e. the

  • buildpacks / uri
  • stack / run-image
  • stack / build-image


make builders

This will generate quay.io/swinches/faas-python-builder:v0.9.2 - our own tagged builder image.

Check the metadata is correct....

$ podman run -it quay.io/swinches/faas-python-builder:v0.9.2 bash
bash-4.4$ find / -name *.toml
find: '/root': Permission denied
find: '/proc/tty/driver': Permission denied
find: '/lost+found': Permission denied
find: '/var/lib/private': Permission denied
find: '/var/lib/rhsm': Permission denied
find: '/var/lib/portables': Permission denied
find: '/var/cache/ldconfig': Permission denied
bash-4.4$ cat /cnb/stack.toml
  image = "quay.io/swinches/something:python-v0.9.2"

Note that the run-image now references the one as specifed.

Boson Project Buildpacks

This repository contains the necessary code to create CNCF buildpacks for functions.


Run make all to ensure that you have all of the necessary images created and available in your local Docker daemon.

Building a Sample Node.js Application

Set your default builder to the one that you just created.

pack set-default-builder quay.io/boson/faas-nodejs-builder

Then you can build a Node.js function app.

pack build hello-nodejs -p apps/hello-nodejs

Run the app using Docker

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 hello-nodejs

Send the app a Cloud Event

curl -X POST -d '{"hello": "world"}' \
    -H'Content-type: application/json' \
    -H'Ce-id: 1' \
    -H'Ce-source: cloud-event-example' \
    -H'Ce-type: dev.knative.example' \
    -H'Ce-specversion: 1.0' \